Friday was our last day in Wichita. I spent part of the day working on our electrical problem that flared up Sunday night in Tulsa. I am hoping it is OK now and I will give you more details some time later.
We had a great final service at Bethany and it was sad to leave our friends so soon. We were only there five nights and that is probably our shortest revival in all the years we have been going there. The revival was sandwiched in between City Reach Tulsa and City Reach OKC so we only had Monday through Friday. They sure made the best of it and we had CHURCH every night!
We had a surprise Friday night. Meet Geraldine and Maxine.
They drove about 30 miles to be with us in revival Friday night with no idea what they were getting themselves into. Their first cousin is Fred Moore (A blog reader, Hi Fred!) and a member of the church in Hillsboro, Ohio where Kelly Jo's brother is the Pastor. Fred and his wife Beulah are also dear friends of Kelly Jo's parents and all around great folks.
When Fred discovered we were going to be close to his cousins, he told them about us and suggested they go see us. And they did! It was great to meet Maxine and Geraldine, Fred Moore's #1 favorite cousin and #2 favorite cousin. Thanks for sending them Fred.
After church we cranked the bus and left for Oklahoma City. We were pulling out of Bethany by 9:30 PM and pulling on to the tent site at SW 59th and S May at about 12:45 AM or so. Bro. Jimmie, Kelly Jo and I were figuring and marking the stake layout by 8:00 and by 9:00 we had a crowd gathering to work.
Before 11:00 we pretty much had this!
Some of the churches have arranged to help us with the job of watching the tent so we went for a quick lunch with Bro. Rickey, Sis. Sharon and Javonia Searcy. It was soooooo gooooood! That is Odie's food in the first picture. I kept to my normal of meat and veggies, other wise known as Fajitas!
I spent the evening working on some projects inside the BoggsMobile but I did go out long enough to snap a picture as it was getting dark.
As I said, some of the churches have arranged to help us watch the tent as much as possible during City Reach OKC. This is the first time that I have put the tent up and been free to sleep the first night. I did go out for a while at 2:30 but the brothers had it all in hand so I slept some more. God bless these churches for their kindness.
Sunday morning we were invited to preach for Pastor Jeremy Brooks at Landmark Holiness Tabernacle just a few miles away. We really enjoyed the service and the fellowship. It has been a few years since we were there and it was good to be back with our friends. Bro. Brooks has been instrumental in the preparation of City Reach Oklahoma City and I sure appreciate it.
Sunday night was the first night of City Reach Oklahoma City. We had a good crowd and a good service. It was really great to have our dear friends Bro. Jason Freeman and Bro. Leon Henderson all the way from Ellisville, Mississippi. They are working this week about 50 miles away and we were thrilled to have them with us!
There was a storm north of town that turned toward us as church started. The temperature was in the mid 90's when the cool air started blowing from the north. It fell like air conditioning. I rushed things along and made the altar before 7:00.
During the prayer line the storm started in earnest and it rained cats and dogs!

I appreciate Bro. Jimmie and several of the men working so hard in the rain and wind to keep the equipment from getting wet. As you can see in the picture above, it was a real gully washer!
As I write this late Sunday night, there are men watching the tent for us over night so I should get to sleep tonight as well. We could get used to this!
That pretty much wraps up our weekend. Thanks for reading.
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