
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pictures of The Tent Coming Down in Fayetteville, North Carolina

The wind was strong Saturday as we began to take down the tent. That was good and bad. The wind was good because it helped assure that the tent was completely dry before we took it down and packed it away for the winter. The wind was bad because it makes getting the tent on the ground kind of difficult.

Although the wind cooperated somewhat while taking the tent down, folding the tarps was another story. That was hilarious to watch. I thought for a moment that 4-5 people were going to be swept away and land at Kitty Hawk or in the Atlantic Ocean. Since Kelly Jo was one of those people, that would have been tragic!

They did finally get it all down and folded but it was fun while it lasted. We appreciate the folks from Wesleyan Pentecostal Church and a few of the homeless guys that helped us get the tent down. They worked great together and did exactly as they were instructed to do. That makes the whole project much easier.

It has been a super great year under the tent but it did feel good to get it down for the last time this year. Tomorrow we plan to begin transferring all the tent, chairs and other tent stuff from Bro. Jimmie's trailer into our tent trailer. That should be a pretty good task.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Here is the crew.

We missed Frank in the picture above so here he is below. Frank was a big help all week.

There blows the wind!

The tarp folders are about to blow away!

Here it is all safe and secure.

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