
Monday, November 7, 2016

#43 Weekend Woundup and Weview

The weekend started with some sadness and ended with some salsa. I could do without the sadness but the salsa is a definite plus!

Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe put in some more time on the tractor and track hoe Friday morning. It was cool and cloudy while he worked. When he was finished it seemed as if the cloud cover lowered some more as he prepped his big truck and trailer to leave for the last time this year. It turned downright winter as he pulled out the drive and started toward Oklahoma.

We all really hated to see him go.

I did some more work with the tractor and then went inside to begin serious work on putting together all the sermons I will need for Nigeria. I will be preaching at least 14 times and 6 of those sermons need to have handouts with outlines ready for the people attending the conference. The sermons have been percolating around in my head for months and I have written down scattered notes but it is time to get down to business.

That work began Friday and will continue all this week. All other projects are on the back burner for me until we leave for Nigeria.

When we came outside about 3:00 Friday afternoon we were all shocked at the sunshine and warmer temperatures. It was a beautiful and welcome change to the gloom of the morning.

Odie told you Saturday morning that we spent Friday afternoon and evening with the Isaacs at a church in Kettering. That was a wonderful evening.

Saturday morning I was back in my study until lunch time when we met the Millikin's for one final meal before they left for home. We had a great meal at Acapulco and wonderful fellowship with our friends. Before we knew it, almost 2 1/2 hours had slipped by. They needed to get to ready for their final service in Ohio on this trip and we needed to get back to work.

Kelly Jo cleaned the inside of the car and Dad's truck while I moved some more dirt then cleaned the rented track hoe. It should be picked up later this morning.

I also washed the truck and we both washed the car. It sure is nice to have water!

Kelly Jo and Odie spent Saturday evening going to several stores and purchasing supplies for our trip to Nigeria. We are hoping to take 2 suitcases of school supplies, candy for the children and gifts for others. My girls will both be busy with that and packing until we leave.

Other years we have completed all these pre-trip tasks while on the road in revival some where but we purposely planned this week at home for the Nigeria preparation. We have always managed to get it all finished but we are hoping it works better this way.

Sunday morning we sang and preached at House of Deliverance in Hillsboro, Ohio for Kelly Jo's brother, Pastor Danny Morgan. It was an outstanding service!

Sunday night we were next door to the barn at Dodd's.

We enjoyed wonderful services and great meals and visits with our families both places. The sun was shining, we were with special friends and family, God was gracious and that makes for a wonderful conclusion to our weekend.

Oh and there was salsa Sunday night after church. Do not ever discount the value of salsa to emotional stability, good digestion and mental health!

I heard from Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe and Bro. Jimmy Millikin Sunday night and they all made it safe to Oklahoma. I hope you had a great weekend as well. Thank you for stopping by.


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