Hello friends, this is Odie interrupting the regularly scheduled blog program. Dad should return tomorrow. It is his birthday, and I am giving him a break from the blog. If you missed my Saturday post check it out HERE. Several family members and friends helped me yesterday begin a birthday celebration for my Dad.

Dad was born on Monday January 16, 1967 at 5:30 PM Eastern time. This afternoon Dad will officially reach the 50 year milestone! The blog birthday bash continues today with a multitude of friends. These friends are from all over place. It would be next to impossible to get all of these folks in one central location, so today we gather at the blog. I guess this is a virtual birthday party.
Thank you dear friends for helping me by contributing to this special post.
Thank you dear friends for helping me by contributing to this special post.
I hope you enjoy reading today. Grab a drink and a snack and enjoy. Once again HAPPY 50th birthday, Dad. I love you!
To My Love,
I hardly ever write for the blog because I am a person of few words. However, today I want the world to know that I am so proud of you! I have been with you 45 out of the 50 years you have acquired..ok... almost 40. (We were married on recess)
You have been my very best friend for most of those years.
I want the the world to know that I am proud to say you are a wonderful husband, friend, father and minister of the gospel. I am proud to tell the world that your heart is real. I am proud to say that you are a true man of God.
The 50 years God has given to you are a giant gift to me. In your 50 years you have taken me to see so much of the world! I hope you have 50 more years to take me to see the rest of it!
I love you and every year you have shared with me.
I want to wish you the BIGGEST HAPPY BIRTHDAY ever!
Kelly Jo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!!! I am so happy I have been able to assist in helping you celebrate your pre-birthday.........week!!!!! It has been my privilege to work along side you and your family during City Reach 2016. I have enjoyed your friendship and your sincere desire to reach a lost world. I pray you are blessed with many souls until the Lord returns. Have a blessed birthday.
Jimmie Radcliffe
Welcome to the Discount Club, Our dear old Brother Davy.
A club with so much aches and pains, You'll think you've joined the Navy!
You'll never feel alone again, With all the mail you'll see. The bad news is, a large percent, Will be AARP.
Thank GOD you are surrounded by, Good kids who'll see you through. You'll need them to distinguish, All your black pants from the blue.
And, when you walk into a room, Just sit down in a chair. Perhaps, no one will know, That you forgot why you were there.
Time to change your hairstyle? You'll soon have a good excuse, As some hair choose to turn to gray, While others just turn loose.
Yes, welcome to the Discount Club. It's not that bad, you'll see. Just be glad that you have survived, A half a century!
A club with so much aches and pains, You'll think you've joined the Navy!
You'll never feel alone again, With all the mail you'll see. The bad news is, a large percent, Will be AARP.
Thank GOD you are surrounded by, Good kids who'll see you through. You'll need them to distinguish, All your black pants from the blue.
And, when you walk into a room, Just sit down in a chair. Perhaps, no one will know, That you forgot why you were there.
Time to change your hairstyle? You'll soon have a good excuse, As some hair choose to turn to gray, While others just turn loose.
Yes, welcome to the Discount Club. It's not that bad, you'll see. Just be glad that you have survived, A half a century!
Your Friend
Tim Carpenter
Bro Davy...
Welcome to the club! I was drafted to the discount club a few days ago. I hear that the poem was revised and sent to you as an initiation for your membership in the discount club! You can order off the senior menu now... if you can read print that small!
Happy Birthday.
Kevin and Kim Lloyd and family.
Kevin and Kim Lloyd and family.
Happy birthday to my friend, Davy
Papa John Eaton
Happy Birthday to a great friend and Brother in Christ. We really appreciate and cherish your friendship.
The Millikin Family
Welcome to the five zero club. Some say 50 is middle age....so how many 100 year old folks do you know?
We love ya man. See you down the road somewhere.
Happy birthday!
Bruce and Priscilla Mayhan
Happy Golden Birthday, my dear friend.
It’s hard to believe that you’ve crammed that much life into 50 years. With all the miles you’ve driven and all the revivals you’ve preached and all the missions trips you’ve taken and those years that you were a pastor, it would have seemed like to me you would have to be 70 or older. Maybe we need to ask to see the birth certificate. On the other hand, you don’t look a day over 50 so I guess I’ll just take Odie’s word.
I don’t hesitate to tell you that I love you like my own brother. God bless you on your birthday and beyond.
Rev. Charlie Brown from Alan Harris Rd
Happy Birthday my friend!
Pastor Jon Isaacs
Happy Birthday wishes Davy! Remember for your Birthday, your presence is always more important than your presents.
So appreciate you and your dedication to God, Family, and the body of Christ.
May God bless you abundantly not only on your Birthday, but Every day!
Derek and Karen Pennington and Family
To my Friend;
A giver, A visionary, A singer, A preacher... and A FRIEND!
May the Lord greatly bless you as you turn the BIG 50! Your best days are ahead, your vision has never been clearer and the need has never been greater! You are a blessing to so many of us and we count it an honor to know you.
Happy Birthday Brother!
Happy Birthday Brother!
Rev. David J. Webb
Senior Pastor of Hodgenville Pentecostal Church
Wow, Bro Davy, you've made it!! You're not half the man you used to be in size but you've made up for by being twice the man you were at age 25!!😂
You've come a long way, baby😂!!
All joking aside we admire you greatly for the man you are, the work you've done and are doing, the burden you carry, the love you show and share...I could go on and on but you've got to be able to get your head thru that bus door!! You're one that we've been blessed and thankful to have in our corner thru the years!! Thank you for our friendship not only in word but deed!! You've been "there" many times for us. Thank you for the many prayers! You, Sis Kelly and Sis Odie are so very special to us! Keep up the great work!! We love you all!! (Hopefully in 50 more years y'all still be singing!! If not here then in heaven!!)
All joking aside we admire you greatly for the man you are, the work you've done and are doing, the burden you carry, the love you show and share...I could go on and on but you've got to be able to get your head thru that bus door!! You're one that we've been blessed and thankful to have in our corner thru the years!! Thank you for our friendship not only in word but deed!! You've been "there" many times for us. Thank you for the many prayers! You, Sis Kelly and Sis Odie are so very special to us! Keep up the great work!! We love you all!! (Hopefully in 50 more years y'all still be singing!! If not here then in heaven!!)
~~Bro David and Sis Karen Noe~~
Happy Birthday to our dear and precious friend. We are so very grateful that God, in his providence, brought you into our lives. Your friendship has challenged me, like iron sharpeneth iron, to be a better and more godly man. I've rejoiced to see God use and bless you more and more, your vision and commitment stir me. You have been such an amazing blessing to my family, we love you dearly and esteem you highly. Our prayer is that God blesses you, your family, and your ministry this year with a greater anointing and an abundant harvest for your labor. We want to wish you a Happy Birthday and a blessed year.
Jared, Valerie, Emily, JC, Gunner, and Grant Burris.
The big 50! Wow I wish you looked as good as I did on my 50! There are many things I appreciate about Davy Boggs, looks is not one!(hehe)
The things I do appreciate are his commitment to the will of God, his submissiveness to his Pastor, and his love for his family. May God richly bless you on this occasion.
The things I do appreciate are his commitment to the will of God, his submissiveness to his Pastor, and his love for his family. May God richly bless you on this occasion.
Reverend Philip Sanders
Bro. Davy,
I would like to say thank you for your friendship and for allowing me to be a very small part of your ministry from time to time. You are truly one of my heroes of the faith! Happy Birthday my friend! Hope it's a great one!
Michael Alexander
Brother Davy,
Happy 50th birthday. What a milestone. What a historic event. You have reached half a century. One 20th of a millenium. 1/40 of the time since the birth of Christ. 1/120th of the time since the creation of man! You are now officially listed among the old men. Soon to qualify for AARP and senior discounts. Approaching the age of dirt itself. Amazing indeed. Congratulations on this amazing and historical accomplishment. I have not had time to shop for a birthday present for you. I really need to give some thought to what to get you. I am sure that canes or walkers will be going on sale. Or I could get you a case of Ensure. Or perhaps a bottle of Geritol. Or some prune juice.
On a more serious note I do want to wish you a very happy birthday. I am so thankful for our friendship as well as our partnership in the work of God. You are a true friend and blessing. May the Lord truely bless you on this day and with many more birthdays.
Your friend and Pizanne,
Papa John DiZazzo
Today thou art celebrating the middle of thou life. Today thou art neither young or old, cold or "hottie". Just looking back and thanking God for your fruitful ministry, your family and your friends while looking forward to another 50 years of traveling for Jesus. The Williamson's and the entire congregation at Tanner-Williams Holiness love you and appreciate you. We all wish you a wonderful and Happy Birthday # 50..
Apostle Donald C. Williamson
Happy Birthday, DB...from DB! My brother from another mother!!! Love ya!
David Bost
To one of the greatest evangelist I have known, the blessing to my family and church can never be thanked enough. I'm a better person having you as a friend, your advice, and constructive critic is always respected. Earth is better and heaven will have more souls because of you.
Love you my Brother from your Cajun Comrade,
Love you my Brother from your Cajun Comrade,
Bro. Barry Gautreaux
Bro Davy Boggs,
50! Wow! It seems like only yesterday you were only 43 and we were recording your live album here in Riverdale :)
You and your family may never know how much of an inspiration and an example you have been to ours. The very first revival you held in Riverdale was right after Drew was born. We were scared kids who didn't know what we were facing, but your family's example let us know that we could trust God through any circumstance.
I will never forget all the memories we have made, and I look forward to making more. Happy 50th, Bro Davy! Thanks for being a great friend.
Dale Spencer
Happy Birthday Bro. Davy....
God has surely blessed you and your family. His hand is on your life. So old man stay humble and continue to do great things for God. Love you friend.....
Pastor Rick Simpson
Just wanted to say Happy Big 5-0 to a great friend and comrade in arms. We love you Davy and appreciate your friendship more than you know! We have had some great experiences together over the years and even a few disagreements. (99% of which have been over who was buying lunch. The other 1% probably involved where we were going. We do take our food seriously!) Yes, I do remember our most infamous disagreement. It was about who was buying dinner at Cheddars in Joplin; and yes, I do remember that you won the argument because when the time came to pay, I didn’t even have my wallet! In our haste to meet you guys, I had left it behind at the trailer in Carthage. Just another of those “precious” memories we have had together. Seriously though, I am so proud of what God has done in your life and ministry, and so grateful to call you my friend! Happy Birthday, Brother,
Pastor Brent and Teresa Gabbard
Hey, this is Nifty- Bro. Davy's turning Fifty! And this is my only Gifty- sorry lol- Wishing you a very happy birthday- you're about to catch up with Sis. Kelly lol
- God bless-
Pastor Dwain Galiher
Bro Davy,
A half a century! 2,600 weeks, 18,250 days and 26,280,000 minutes....that's a lot of living! The best part is that you've given so much of that time to "Preach the Word". Your ministry of music has touched so many and impacted our lives.
Some people take a while to get to know. Others, like you, Kelly and Odie, are people that when we met, it was as if we had always known each other. We wish you the best birthday with plenty of low carb cake! (Don't eat the candles, very little protein)
God bless you - go for a hundred!
Jimmy and Darla Davis
Happy birthday Bro. Davy. You're such a great, bubbly, talented guy and a great friend! We love you,
Kevin and Teresa Webster
Happy Birthday to the person that blesses the Stevens Family MORE every time we see you!! We have enjoyed and appreciate your friendship. Anytime we/I have a question or need prayer you are always there. Your family is GREATLY APPRECIATED by our family. I'm glad "We are on the battleship for the LORD" (Boggs/Stevens-inside joke). Love you man!! Happy 50th!!!! MAN YOU'RE YOUNG.....😬😀😀Hope to see you soon!!
Jorge Stevens
Bro Davy hope you have a wonderful 50th. We love you so much and appreciate your Godly life and anointed preaching.
Bro Herman and Sis Margaret Woods
Dear Friend,
Almost 14 years ago on my birthday you gave me a copy of C. Roy Angell's book Baskets Of Silver. That book is the first sermon book I ever owned and is still in my library today. You will never know the impact that made in my life as a young man to know you were my friend. May God bless you. Happy Birthday.
Jeff Blankenship
Happy Birthday to Bro. Davy Boggs.
You are a wonderful Friend, Brother, and Preacher of the Gospel. I continue to Pray for the Ministry God has given you. May God continue to Bless Abundantly !! Our Love to You!!
Bro. and Sis. Fellers
I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to my dear friend Bro. Davy. I love him and want him to know that I have been re-payed a thousand fold for every second of my time that I have invested in our friendship. We have wept and laughed together over the years and I have some very precious memories of good times past along with great hopes for whatever time we have left here in this life, plus eternity in Heaven. Happy 50th!
Bro. Larry and Sis. Rose.
🎉 Happy Birthday Bro. Davy!! 🎉 We love you,
Scott, Kim, Regan, and Rylee Morris
Happy Birthday brother Davy!! May God grant you many more! Thanks for the many years you have given to the ministry!Pastor Darius Templeton
I love Bro. Davy and really appreciate the Boggs family ministry I certainly appreciate everything you all do for the Kingdom of God!! Hey Bro. 50 is not so bad I passed 50 about 4 years ago and Sis. April hit 50 this past April (don't tell her that I told you how old she is) so life is great after 50!! I hope this is one of the best days of your life!! Why not just fall off the wagon and celebrate with a "Big Daddy" hamburger from "Ron's"!!
Pastor Darrell Toliver
I want to wish my friend Bro. Davy a very happy, half a century, Birthday. I count it an honor to have him as a friend. He really is an inspiration in so many ways. Bro Davy is the kind of friend you can call whenever or wherever. When we see each other as our paths cross, it never seems like time or distance have really had us separated. Hope you have a wonderful day. God Bless you and give you another 50!!
Trever Metheny
Birthdays are times of celebration with the ones we love. Wish I could be there with you on your special day! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend! I love you Bro!
Bro. Kurt McCrorey
My "brother" Bro. Davy,
I love it that some people still believe we are actually siblings😁. I claim you as my brother, so many wonderful memories, thank you for being such a wonderful friend and brother to me and my family..
Love, Sis. Angie McCrorey Happy birthday Bro. Davy you have been a great blessing to our family, appreciate your ministry the results will last thru eternity.
Mitch and Lynn Boggs
Ah, I hate I missed Sis Odie's deadline to get my birthday wishes in the blog, I'm sorry. But I do want to wish you a Happy Birthday. You are a great friend. I've personally been a witness to the mighty Grace of God that is evident in your life today. It's encouraging to all to see you give your all for the Gospel's sake. Keep on keeping on, you should be good for at least another 50. Happy Birthday, Jeff and Debbie
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, friend. I appreciate the encouraging words and birthday wishes. We love you and Sis. Debbie very much and cherish you friendship.
Happy Birthday to a wonderful cousin! I love you! 🎂
ReplyDeleteThank you Deb! We love you very much too!
Davy, a Blessed-Day to You Everyday. Happy Birthday to You, tell Kelly & Odie to spoil You today only but let You get back to work tomorrow for the LORD !~!, We-Love-Y'all always, Frankie.
Hey, Bro. Frankie! What are you talking about? They had me working yesterday too!
DeleteThank you for thinking of me on my Birthday.
Amen Bro.Davy I'm praying that the Lord will continue to bless and use you like He has in the last year!!
DeleteThank you. God has been so gracious to me and my family. It is amazing that He even looks our way. What an amazing God.
Happy birthday Bro.Davy hope you have a great day and year!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I am looking forward to God's help again this year!
Bro. Davy, I'm sorry it's so late but happy late birthday!!! I hope 50 is easy on you! Love & appreciate you so much.
DeleteThank you, Sis. Heidi! It is always great to hear from you, even late! Thank you for thinking of us and thank you for being our friend. 50 will be a breeze if we keep having services like tonight!
DeleteThanks again,
Davy and Kelly Jo