Hello Friends, Happy Saturday. This is Odie writing today and I want to use my Saturday post to wish a very special someone a Happy 50th Birthday. My Dad's big day is coming up next week and I can not allow it to pass without some fanfare.
I have wracked my brain for months trying to come up with a good birthday post for this big day. It is hard to top all the special birthday posts Dad has done for mom and me in the past but I want to give it a good effort.
I decided I would start the celebration of his birthday a little early. I will not turn this into a week long birthday bash, but a couple of days will not hurt. My awesome Dad deserves to be celebrated and honored.

Happy 50th Birthday, Daddy, I love you so much!!!! You are amazing and I am so proud of you! Thank you for your Godly influence upon my life. I hope your 50th Birthday is fabulous!!
I reached out to some friends and family members to join in today's blog post. Thanks to everyone for your help! I could not have put this together without you.
I am going to let them finish the blog with their birthday wishes. I hope you enjoy what they have to say to my Dad and about my Dad.
I am going to let them finish the blog with their birthday wishes. I hope you enjoy what they have to say to my Dad and about my Dad.
Have a good weekend. The Blog Birthday Bash continues on Monday with many special friends, so stay tuned for more.
Found you a new saying, Dad

Happy birthday! I love you, Uncle Davy!
Happy Birthday Davy! I hope you have a great one!!
Happy birthday! So blessed to have you for a brother!!!:).
Happy birthday, Uncle Davy! Hope your day is great. Love you!
Happy birthday!!! Hope your birthday is as amazing as you! Your my favorite Davy ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, your favorite Morgan ever!!!!
Davy, "50 is the new 40 so you're just now getting over the hill."
Happy birthday hope it's the best.
Happy Birthday, Davy. We love you and are so thankful for you.
Your other Mom and Dad. (Betty and Danny)
Happy Birthday Uncle Davy! Love you a lot!
Happy Birthday, Uncle Davy!
Happy 50th Birthday, Dear Cousin Davy!!! So thankful for you! I love you, Cousin.
Happy 50th birthday, Uncle Davy!!!!
I love you!
Happy 50th birthday, friend, cousin, and brother in Christ. We admire and respect you for the life you and your beautiful family have chosen. May God bless you and give you many more years.
Love and prayers,
George and Diana Boggs
Happy Birthday, Uncle Davy! Thank you for your example and impacting my life more than you could ever imagine. Love you!
Victor Boy
Happy Birthday, Uncle Davy!!! Happy 50th!! I love you-
Happy Birthday, Uncle Davy! Love you so so much! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Dear Davy, This is a short note is to wish you a very happy 50th birthday. Welcome to the 5th decade!!! I knew you when you were little and growing up, little cousin. You were still young, I think 9, when Othón and I got married but I remember you as a sweet young man back then. You are a man who is strong in God and I admire you, Kelly, and Odie for being steadfast and living for the Lord. Don’t forget to let us know if and when you’re driving through El Paso so we can meet up and/or make you and your family some dinner. I love you little cousin and I hope to see you soon. On your way to the 6th decade now, there’s no avoiding it!!! Love,
Terry and Othón
Happy Birthday Uncle Davy,
Simply wanted to wish you a wonderful day. Thank you for all of the talks and advice you have given me over the years. To pick one thing I truly admire about you is hard but I'd have to say that your passion for souls is a major one. Enjoy your birthday Monday in (hopefully) sunny Alabama. If I was home I'd go enjoy some salsa for you:))
Love you bunches,
Deidre (your favorite niece!!!)
Davy, you have been an inspiration to me with your Ministry. You are my favorite middle brother in law on my wife's side.. lol
Happy Birthday! Brother!!
Happy Birthday! Brother!!
Happy 50th birthday Davy,
Dad and I are so proud of you and the man God has made out of you. And what He has allowed you to do for Him. May you have a blessed and prosperous year as you minister for Him. Our love and prayers always.
Mom and Dad
I remember the day Davy came home from the hospital. He was always fun to play with because he was tiny. His legs were a little short, he was a good bit smaller than me and I could pick him up, wrestle him, love him, hurt him, bury him or throw him. I remember he really liked cookies. A perfect companion for a "husky" boy like me.
We loved playing ball, mostly baseball or variations thereof. We'd have epic games in the yard with "ghost man on first" and house rules to hinder us from clobbering the ball continually. We had a field in the side yard and a bigger one on the front when we had more players. We were between 9 and 13 when the Big Red machine was in its prime.
Really though, Davy was a better boy than me and grew to be a very fine man. As teens, I dismissed much about God even though I still had to go to church. Davy got saved and God called him to preach at a very young age, I thought he was wasting his life away while I was doing what I thought life was all about.
He was a young man who also made mistakes, sinned, was forgiven, was foolish at times, but learned. God made a real man of him over the years, a man so worthy of my love and respect that I knew I'd never make a man like that. He has always been kind to me even when, as a young man myself, I gave him ZERO credit for anything he did for God.
Now, belatedly saved, I love him so deeply and thankfully for the super example he has been for me. I want to live a life that honors God as his does. He is authentic in an illusory age. A hero to me when I consider the life he leads.
Davy, the first fifty years have been inspiring to your eldest brother beyond any way you might guess. I love you and your beautiful girls. Happy Birthday!
Davy, the first fifty years have been inspiring to your eldest brother beyond any way you might guess. I love you and your beautiful girls. Happy Birthday!
Davy, you are loved so much!!! I am so proud of you! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!! Love you,
Happy "50th" Birthday, Brother.
First and foremost… I love you. Secondly, I'm extremely proud of you and the ministry God has placed upon you and your family. The burden and your endurance to see souls saved is evident. Many people have big hearts, big dreams, and wishes to do what you have been doing for so many years. Yet most are unaware of all the ups and downs, the consistency of inconsistency, a schedule that can change "like maybe today", faith (real faith) that cannot afford to bend, the tears, the worries, the stresses... The list could go on and on. With God, you handle it and are blessed for it. I guess I'm just trying to say that I appreciate who you are and all you do, even though I wish you were around home more. Here's to wishing my big brother a big, happy birthday with love!
~Tommy, Holly and Jonas~
Well, well... You're 50 today???
As one of my oldest and dearest friends, I want to wish you a happy birthday Brother. You've always had my back, in the good times and the bad and I love you for that.
I remember some of my best blessings while with you buddy. First time I ever shouted in the spirit, you were there. Remember? It was in the loft of the old barn that Mayor Purkey let us use to have prayer and then camp out in. I miss those innocent days man. We've laughed till we cried so many times, and there were times when we thought we'd never laugh again, but here we are, both in our 50's and still have laughter in us man.
Love ya more than you'll ever know and your friendship means more than I could ever express in words.
May this year be your best ever!!! Love ya Brother.
David Riddell
Happy birthday Davy! You're a great blessing to the body of Christ. Your vision for souls is inspiring and challenging to me. Have a great 50th!
-EJ Lamb
Dear Bro. Boggs,
I was delighted to hear about your birthday, and the opportunity to help join in the celebration. God has used you in a mighty way in the life of my family, and we now joy in your day.
You have been instrumental in the godly direction my family has gone. I believe God has used you to help keep us faithful in our work for Him. We have learned about faith, devotion, and service from your ministry. It could be said that I am strong, wiser, and better because of what God has done through you.
The way I can call you and ask anything of you is priceless. You have been a helper in prayer, teaching, and advice. My hope is that our children will get to experience the blessings of your ministry in the same or greater ways that Leah and I have experienced.
By the way, thank you again for tying the knot between my wife and I. It is safe to say, the knot isn't going to ever come undone.
With Great Love And Respect,
Nathan Jeffreys
Tacos Tijuana!!! We have loved all the great times we've shared in and out of church with you, you are a wonderful friend and have truly blessed us so many times... have the best birthday ever! 50!!!! We are getting old bro...
Your friends Tito and Robin Munoz
We all said "WOW Davy's 50??"
Some many years ago when we met you and Kelly were just kids, and Odie hadn't even turned 5 yet. Where did the years go? One thing is you still have that special place in our families heart that will always be there. We have spent many enjoyable events not to mention the time you all lived in Franklin. When these old southern people were trying to make it up that snowy, icy hill after church one night. Davy says let me try, well needless to say the car slid into the street with traffic, then ended up against a tree. While all of us girls were trying to scurry up that hill, when I shouted "I'm falling, seriously I'm falling." Needless to say I survived that winter in Dayton. When I would come back for New Years service, Br. Benny would say "it's snowing outside, Sis. Whiffen". You go where God plants your roots, I would say I never have regretted God planting roots around the Boggs, always have been great friends, a wonderful attitude. So, I'll close with...
Some many years ago when we met you and Kelly were just kids, and Odie hadn't even turned 5 yet. Where did the years go? One thing is you still have that special place in our families heart that will always be there. We have spent many enjoyable events not to mention the time you all lived in Franklin. When these old southern people were trying to make it up that snowy, icy hill after church one night. Davy says let me try, well needless to say the car slid into the street with traffic, then ended up against a tree. While all of us girls were trying to scurry up that hill, when I shouted "I'm falling, seriously I'm falling." Needless to say I survived that winter in Dayton. When I would come back for New Years service, Br. Benny would say "it's snowing outside, Sis. Whiffen". You go where God plants your roots, I would say I never have regretted God planting roots around the Boggs, always have been great friends, a wonderful attitude. So, I'll close with...
"Davy you are 50, that's just nifty".
Enjoy every finger licking bit of it, make it a cheat day, so proud of all those shredded pounds you have worked so hard to part with, keep up the good work. God bless you with 50 more blessed years.
We love you,
Chris and Linda Whiffen and all our family, those who call you uncle Davy.. too.
Bro Davey
ReplyDeleteWe wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. You are a great inspiration to us. You were a great friend to Acy and we can't tell u how we appreciate that. You are caring and compationate. We love your spirit. Thanks for being a friend and a light to us. Love ya Wendal,Crystal and the kidios
Thank you, Wendal and Crystal. We love you all very much. Bro. Acy was easy to love. He was always a very dear friend to me.