
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Odie's House - Answering a Few Questions

We have had lots of questions since we put up a post concerning trying to build a house for Odie to live in. We expected lots of questions and we welcome them. Thank you for your interest.

The number one question by far has been; "Does this mean Odie is going off the road?" That is an obvious question and we have an answer for you. 

The short answer to that question is, no. The longer and slightly more complicated answer to that question is, no.😊 Odie has no desire at all to go off the road and we love Odie traveling with us. She has been a road warrior all her life and she labors faithfully in the work that God has called me and our family to do for Him.

We work well together as a ministry team and as long as the Lord allows us all strength to do it, Odie will load up in the BoggsMobile and show up to sing and testify in churches all over the USA, as she has for many years.

Odie has taken a few weeks off now and then over the last several years. In fact, she will be gone for a week of vacation two weeks from now. She needs that and we need it too. It is good for her to enjoy some independence while getting some rest and it is good for us as well.

We imagine that she will spend some of those weeks off the road enjoying her own space, once the house is a reality. She is 31 years old and her desire to have a place of her own is only natural. Her plan is to enjoy the best of both worlds, life in her bunk on the bus with us and room to spread out when she is in Ohio.

Odie was home for a month after City Reach concluded while Kelly Jo and I were gone to Africa and Europe. Then she was home during the Christmas break. That made for a pretty long space of time at home for Odie.

My parents are so good to take care of Odie whenever she is home. She loves staying in her own room at my parent's house and she is excited about her own room in her own house. Her own home will be perfect for times like that.

A second question has been; "When did all of this come about?"

When we first started to feel a need to find a piece of ground for Boggs Family Ministries, we dreamed it would some day include a fully handicap accessible house for Odie. Kelly Jo and I could die tomorrow and we intend to take care of Odie even if that happens. We really had no idea where this land would be or exactly what the timing would be.

The original plan was to find something to purchase, pay it off and then borrow the money to build Odie a small handicap accessible home. With no definite ideas beyond that, we prayed and kept our eyes and hearts open.

We actually looked at land and barns and houses in several states over a period of a couple of years. We really feel like it was God that opened the door for us to purchase the property right next to Dodds Church with a barn big enough to pull the BoggsMobile in on day one. We are extremely happy with it.

A lot of work has already been completed on what we jokingly refer to as The Lazy OD Ranch. The barn has a new roof and other improvements. The water is in, the septic system is planned and most of the leg work has been completed with the county and township.

That is where Pastor Scott Morris came in. Bro. Scott approached us very carefully with the vision and burden the Lord has given him. He was completely considerate of our needs and not wanting to force an unwanted or paralyzing project on us. He and the men that have joined with him are concerned for Odie and what is best for her and we are overwhelmed and very grateful for that.

We are so astounded that we do not even know how to express it properly. A home for Odie is something we have dreamed of but we did not have a clue it might come together like this. Thanks to the concern and vision of these men and the generosity of God's people to Boggs Family Ministries, our plans for Odie may become a reality soon.

The third question is; "When will all of this take place?"

Obviously, the answer to that depends on a lot of factors but this is our plan.

-The sketches are in the hands of a professional and plans are being worked on as we speak.

-We are also trying to coordinate various people that have volunteered their skilled labor to this process and make decisions that need to be made in advance as to building materials design and such.

-We plan to be home the week of Easter (Mid April) for Dryden Rd Pentecostal Church's 60th year celebration. We hope to do the dirt work and foundation that week. 

-The next 4-5 weeks we will be ministering close enough that I can be in Ohio a day or two each week to coordinate prepping the electric, HVAC and plumbing for the slab. This time period will also include pouring the slab. I will have more information about where we will be those 4-5 weeks soon.

-The week of May 22nd we will go home and we will preach revivals in the Ohio area for the next three months. This will allow us to work on the house during the day and have church at night and be close enough to drive back and forth. 

-There are two churches coming May 22nd to frame the house and get it dried in. From there it will be a whirlwind of activity trying to get as much done as we can before Dryden Rd. Fellowship Meeting August 22nd.

How will it all end? Your guess is probably as good or better than mine but I am sure it will be an adventure. We have several skilled tradesmen that are coming to help us at crucial stages and others are talking to us about coming. If all of it comes together, Odie may just have a house before this thing is over.

I believe that may answer some of the most frequent questions that have been asked. We definitely appreciate your prayers in the days and weeks ahead.

Thank you for reading.


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