We have some pictures from our exciting Easter Sunday below. First let me tell you about a little snippet of the excitement Monday.
Although we have been working on the house for months, Monday April 17, 2017 was the official start day of construction. David Butler removed the sod from where the house will go and had several loads of gravel hauled into place in preparation for digging the footer today.
Although we have been working on the house for months, Monday April 17, 2017 was the official start day of construction. David Butler removed the sod from where the house will go and had several loads of gravel hauled into place in preparation for digging the footer today.
We also purchased the rebar and moved a bunch of dirt into place. Today will be an exciting day as well and we will have pictures of it all on a later day.
Sunday's post had our traditional Easter poem so I omitted the Veiw Out The Front Window Sunday post. I know that my sister Theresa loves those exciting posts so I have included those pictures and links from last week's post at the bottom of the page.
I think I mentioned yesterday that we had four people saved Sunday at Dryden Rd. It was awesome! I love watching people give their lives to the Lord. Praise God for His help!
Now for the pictures from Easter Sunday. We will begin with a picture of my beautiful girls!

The very first service at Dryden Rd. was on Easter Sunday 1957. This week is the 60th year celebration and Bro. Bennie gave a little history of the church. The original building was 50x96. It was a large sanctuary built on a full basement of 12 Sunday School rooms. Bro. Bennie read that it cost less than $42,000 to build!

Monday night we had a great night of revival. Bro. Bill Houston preached on Revival. It was great to hear!
Odie snapped a few pictures from the service Monday night.
Here are links to our posts from the last week.
Here was our view out the front window when we arrived home Saturday morning.
Thanks for stopping in today.
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