
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Mother's Day 2017

Hello dear friends, this is Odie reporting in once again. I hope you have had a great week! Check out yesterday's post to get a glimpse into our fantastic week that we had working with our friends at HPC. I am also excited to report that there is progress being made on the house in Ohio! 

Tomorrow in the United States is a special day. The second Sunday in May is set aside to celebrate Mothers. I am blessed to have the best Mother in the whole wide world!  I know you probably think that yours is better than mine. I guess we will agree to disagree. My mother is amazing!!

Easter 2017


Kelly Jo Boggs is the very definition of a truly selfless Mother. She is always putting others in front of herself. She works tirelessly to make sure my Dad and I have everything we need. There is no way possible for me to tell you everything she does for our family and our ministry. Mom is the glue that holds us together! We are blessed beyond measure to have the best. 

Mom is happy to work behind the scenes and not be the person out front. Because of that, she seldom receives the credit she deserves. She is talented in so many areas and I wish I could be half the woman she is. Words fail me to explain to you how much she means to me. 

Mom, I want to tell you publicly again that I love you so very much! Thank you for everything that you do to make my life awesome!! You really go way beyond your duty to help me in every way.

I am crying as I write this trying to put it into words how much you truly mean to me. Thank you for giving me a listening ear, for giving me advice and admonishment when I need it and always knowing how to cheer me up! 

I am also laughing while I think of all the little ways that you can make me laugh and make my days brighter. You are so much fun and I would rather spend time with you than anyone else in the world.

Thank you for being patient with me, your hardheaded daughter. Thank you for always pointing me to God and encouraging me to stay on the right track! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers that you have prayed and encouraging me to believe in God no matter what happens! 

You are incredible and I thank God for giving you to me! He definitely knew the kind of Mother that I would need. I am so glad that He picked you for me. Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for reading! I want to wish everyone of you a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you have a superb day!


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