I was trying to prepare all of these pictures to post late Wednesday night but we had a storm come through and I think our Wifi was flooded with molasses. I could get a few things to open and a few things to move but Nothing from blogger. It is moving now so here we go!
(I spoke too soon. This post should have been up before 6:00 but the molasses struck again!)
(I spoke too soon. This post should have been up before 6:00 but the molasses struck again!)
The progress Tuesday on the framing was incredible. This is part of the crew below with Odie.
This is Dad, my nephew Victor Boggs, Pastor Scott Morris and Bro. Sheldon Walley from Mississippi, Bro. Yates from Hodgenville, Kentucky, Bro. Larry Hall from West Harrison, Indiana, his brother Joe and their framing crew and Andrew Bowling from West Harrison.
Not included in the picture above; Pastor Wade Hicks from West Harrison, Indiana, Bro. Dan Bragg from Richmond, Indiana, my brother Steve and probably a few others that are escaping my mind at the moment.
It was a wonderful day and it was awesome to watch the house take shape right before our eyes. Within a few minutes of Bro. Larry Hall and their crew arriving Tuesday morning, walls were going up. Within two and a half hours all the exterior walls were up and they were starting the interior walls! I already said it but it was an incredible day.
I posted these two pictures yesterday but they sum up the whole day very well.
Tuesday morning
Tuesday morning
Tuesday I showed you a picture of Odie on the slab for the first time Monday. Getting her up there was quite a story.
I backed the Green Machine up in the gravel next to the garage and we man handled here into the chair and around the obstacles.
I backed the Green Machine up in the gravel next to the garage and we man handled here into the chair and around the obstacles.
I wish we could have a picture of Dad driving the Green Machine out and three of us pushing! The Green Machine almost became part of the house!
Boy Howdy! Do we ever have pictures today! If you come here each day for the Pulitzer Prize level writing, you are going to be disappointed today. But if you come for pictures, and I suspect that most of you do, then you are going to love this post! Several of us were taking pictures along the way and I will try to group each person's pictures together.
Pictures from Odie
Here I am with Bro. Shobanke and Bro. Dan Bragg
The rest of the Yates crew from Hodgenville, Kentucky.
Steve's Pictures
Have you noticed there is a certain age group of our population that seem to be addicted to their phones?😉😀😁
I am so glad Steve captured a picture of this. Mom, Steve and Dad provided lunch for all the people that came to help Tuesday and Wednesday.
They took on a huge task but it was a huge help. Various others jumped into help when needed too and we sure appreciate every bit of effort! Thank you all!
Kelly Jo's Pictures
Davy's Pictures
Bro. Shobanke is in the states preaching for a few weeks and he set his mind to be here to watch the construction on the house. It was great to have him here for that and it is great to be able to spend a little time with him today.
Bro. Shobanke's church gave the first $220 toward Odie's house. That is a huge amount when compared to an average month's wage in Abeokuta and we are asking the Lord to bless them for their tremendous sacrifice. We are also asking the Lord to let those $220 spend according to the measure of their sacrifice!
Bro. Shobanke also brought $250 more dollars with him. We are extremely humbled and grateful for our dear friend and his love toward Odie and our family.
Not many jobs have a cheering session all along the way, but this one did! They did a fabulous job too!
I took these early Wednesday morning.
From the northwest corner.
From the southwest corner
Wednesday we hit a pothole. Bro. Larry Hall was laying everything in order for swinging the trusses up on top when he noticed there was something wrong. To make a very long story very short, the truss company misread the prints and designed the trusses accordingly. It was an easy mistake to make but an unfortunate one.
All of them but two can be used but two of them must be built again. They are now hoping to have those two trusses on the job by this evening and we hope to swing the trusses Friday or Saturday.
There was no sense in our wonderful help from Mississippi hanging around two or three days doing nothing when they could be home with their families and responsibilities there so they started home Wednesday afternoon. It was sad to see them go!
Davy, Bro. Sheldon and Pastor Scott Morris
Odie Wednesday
That is a portion of what took place Tuesday and Wednesday on the Lazy OD Ranch! We are excited with the progress and trusting God to bring this whole thing to a completion in His time!
Praise the Lord that most things went very well the last few days and nobody was hurt in the process! Thank you all for praying and for reading each day. God bless you all.
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