Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Creation of A Foundation

I do not have time to say a lot this morning but WOW do I have a lot to say. If a picture is worth a thousand words then here are several thousand words for your reading pleasure today!

This work was all completed Monday. Thanks to Dad and my brother Steve for the pictures.

The block is almost completed. This is from the south west corner looking toward the road.

This is looking down the west wall.

This is looking down the front wall of the house from the west (church) side.

This is looking at the front wall and looking toward the west.

This is the north east corner (front) looking toward the back. The garage is on the left.

This is the north east corner of the garage.

This is the east side of the garage.

This is the south east corner (back) looking toward the front.

This is the south (back) wall.

This is the south west corner looking straight up the west wall toward the front of the house.

That is exciting!

Thanks for reading today.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for being excited with us, Esther! We love you!


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