Thank God for another exceptional weekend! You never know what is going to happen in a Pentecostal service but if God is going to have His way, it is going to be good! We were in three services this weekend and all three were very, very good!
The first service was Youth Rally Friday night at Faith Church near Salem, Kentucky. Bro. Ashton McDonald was preaching and we were singing a song with the HPC choir. All the churches sang good, Bro. Ashton preached good and the altar service was very good.
It was rainy and miserable in Hodgenville when we left Friday afternoon and stayed that way for most of the drive. Not long before we arrived at Faith the sun came out and it was a welcome and beautiful sight!

Who says we are staying in one place this month? It was about 170 miles one way to Faith from HPC so we drove nearly 800 miles this week including our round trip to Ohio. I hardly ever drive that much in a week while preaching every night. 😁
It was great to be with Pastor Israel Sanders and all the folks Friday night. Here are a few pictures from the Youth Rally
There was a Sunday School Picnic scheduled at a park for HPC Saturday and also a 5K walk. The rain and cold prevented all of that but they brought the picnic potluck into the fellowship hall at 1:00 PM. We had good food and great fellowship but we did not take many pictures. These are the only two we got.
Saturday night we had a practice with an ensemble made up from four young couples in the church. It was a productive practice and they sang great Sunday morning. We are having a lot of fun with this.

The services Sunday were outstanding! Sunday morning was awesome. Bro. Webb preached so good Sunday morning that it carried right on through to Sunday night. The altar service was wonderful both services.
It sure was a great Youth Rally. You all were a blessing , singing and testifying. Hope you enjoy your stay while you're in the promised land of Hodgenville.