As I mentioned a week or two ago Bro. Shobanke has been in the states the last three weeks. He was only with us from a Tuesday afternoon until Friday morning but it was great to have him. While he is in the USA we can talk on the phone for free and he usually calls each day.
This visit he has been calling to inquire about the progress on the house. "How is the work?" he says, and he laughs a big hearty laugh when I tell him whatever we have been doing that day. He thinks it is vital to complete this house for Odie to live in and he is extremely excited about it.
He came to Ohio the week he did specifically to see the walls go up on the house. He sat in a chair and smiled all day long and loved each and every single minute of it.
We took a few pictures of him in the house his last morning in Ohio before Kelly Jo took him to Cincinnati to catch his plane.
We were in Nigeria in November. When I told Bro. Shobanke that we were going to try to build the house he immediately wanted to help. His church gave the first $220 toward the house. Since the wages for the average worker in Abeokuta is $30-$50 per MONTH, $220 is a huge sacrificial gift! That is like a church here giving an offering equivalent to 4-7 months of the average monthly wage of the congregation.
To say we were shocked and amazed at the size of their gift would be a huge understatement. The people of Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church stepped up and proved their love for us and especially for Odie in an astounding way.
The economy in Nigeria is pitiful right now and their money is nearly worthless. It is difficult for us in America to realize how bad it is for them at the moment. The poorest of most of us are rich in comparison to the average Nigerian. We have been asking God to bless Bro. Shobanke's people with work that will supply the needs of their families and even for a turn around in their economy.
Will you help us pray for them? We are believing God to make up the difference and even give an abundance in return. They have given cheerfully in spite of their want and it humbles us to know that many of them probably lacked in things they needed. because they gave. We do not deserve that and we do not expect that.
Bro. Shobanke gave $250 more when he arrived in the USA about three weeks ago. We tried our very best to politely refuse the gift but he was adamant. He said that God spoke to him to give and that he was happy to do so.
I stand amazed at the provision of God. We have been recipient of the widow's mite and have no way to properly say thank you. God knows that our hearts are grateful and truly appreciative.
This is an amazing journey. Thank you for joining us.
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