We had revival right through the weekend at Pentecostal Faith Church on Cain Avenue in New Miami, Ohio. We had great services each night and the folks received us warmly. It was extremely easy to preach and we enjoyed the whole revival.
I appreciate Pastor Steve Allen and his precious little family for inviting us to be with them the last week. He originally asked about a tent revival but I could not do it at this time. I fully intend to take the tent back in the near future. The church is in a perfect area for tent revival and Pastor Allen has a burden to reach that community!
I posted a Revival In Pictures post on Thursday with lots of pictures from the revival in New Miami. Today we have a few more pictures from Friday, Saturday and both services Sunday.
It was great to have so much fellowship in revival. We had several Pastors, folks from local churches, my family and new visitors. I love it when revival generates enough excitement that people want to get in on the excitement.
Sunday night, when the service was over, we loaded the sound equipment into the Green Machine and headed back to the Lazy OD Ranch after some fellowship. Next weekend we will travel to Virginia for services and we are looking forward to it.
I had a few items to finish Saturday concerning the electrical on the house. I finished those early and then we straightened things up and cleaned the house. We have an electrical, framing and HVAC inspection today and we want everything looking good.
While my brother Steve and I were burning some construction debris we had visitors drop in. Bro. John and Sis. Latasha attend our home church at Dryden Rd. They were out driving and decided to drive by and check out the progress on the house.
It was great to see them and we appreciate them taking time to stop and see us. It was a wonderful surprise!
Little Jonah drove the tractor, climbed scaffolding and ladders and generally had a whale of a good time! He was a lot of fun.
It was lunch time so that meant taking a few moments to introduce them to the best salsa in the world at Acapulco in Lebanon.
That pretty much wraps up our weekend. If the inspection goes well today, then all we have left between now and insulation is the plumbing inspection. Hopefully that will be ready in a few days. We will see.
Bro. Mitch Boggs Jr. and his family are supposed to arrive June 28 to put on the roof and we are ready for that. It is going to be exciting to see our friends again.
Thank you for reading today. I hope you have a great week.
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