
Friday, September 1, 2017

This Week's House News

Can you believe that it is September 1st already? We started 2017 like three weeks ago, right? Wow!

It is time for a few more pictures of the progress on the house. There has been a lot going on this week including one project that I will share more about later.

First I have a great picture for you. This is a pre-hung door for the coat closet. It was ordered specifically for the house. Look closely at the name.

You see it? This door is for Oddie Boggs. That is right, Oddie instead of Odie. I would say that is just about right. I do have one question though. How do they know ODDie so well?

Danny, Kelly's Dad has been working very hard. We really created a bunch of work for him on this house. I am sure he is ready to be finished but it has been very nice spending some time with him. I know that Kelly Jo has loved having him here.

Danny is the best painter around and this house will be another testimony of that. He is a perfectionist in his work and it shows. We are thankful to have him in our lives AND on the job!

The cabinets look treeeeemendous!

Tuesday was also the garage door day!

There will be some more trim pieces later but we think it looks great!

Last week Bro. and Sis. Galiher took a moment to stop by and look at the house while they were in town.

We took them to sample the salsa at Acapulco, of course

Sis. Galiher wanted to be the first person to sleep in Odie's guest bedroom!

Thank you, Sis. Galiher for the good laugh.

So we are making progress on the house and trying to get to a stopping place before we leave town next week. The next two days should be pretty busy.

Thank you for dropping in to sit a spell.


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