We had a wonderful time with Pastor James McCoy, his family and his church folks in Colorado. God blessed us with great altar services and I am very thankful for that. This was our second revival with these precious saints and we are already looking forward to going back.
Our "normal" revival week runs Sunday through Friday. During those revivals we usually post some revival pictures on Monday, then a Revival In Pictures post on Friday and then post Friday's pictures in the weekend post the following Monday. We have been closing so many revivals on Sunday that it has knocked our picture posting schedule whopper-jawed.
There are lots of things we like about closing revival on Sunday so I am not complaining. I am only explaining how we ended up with a huge Revival In Pictures Post today. We did not have enough pictures for a normal Revival In Pictures post on Friday morning but the big full weekend exploded in great pictures.
Rather than put 80+ pictures in one post I will split it up and post them both today. Although we publish pictures on the blog in lower quality to save space, 80 pictures is a lot of data no matter how we send it.😏
This is the first post of today (Tuesday) and there is a second one following closely behind. Thanks for reading and I sure hope you all enjoy revival pictures as much as you tell us you do!😉
This is the first post of today (Tuesday) and there is a second one following closely behind. Thanks for reading and I sure hope you all enjoy revival pictures as much as you tell us you do!😉
Oh, yeah, another reason for so many pictures is the awesome scenery! Wow! Colorado is a beautiful place!
Pastor James McCoy, his wife Sis. Tara and their daughter Sara between them.
Bro. J.W. and Davy. May God bless our friend from Mississippi for coming two nights to be with us.
I snapped this picture across the road from the church so you could see the dusting of snow Thursday evening.

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