This is going to be a picture heavy Weekend Woundup and Weview. It was a busy weekend with lots of opportunities for pictures. What a great weekend it was!
I will interrupt the pictures along the way with running commentary. These first pictures are from one of two homemade meals we had Friday and Saturday.
Sis. Julia prepared a wonderful meal on Friday! Wow!
Sis. Julia prepared a wonderful meal on Friday! Wow!
Friday night was the last service of the revival at Desert Cove. We hated to see it come to an end but we certainly enjoyed the good altar service. This is a very good group of fine people and we are thankful they allowed us to spend a few days with them again this year.
Sis. Millie prepared a wonderful homemade meal Saturday and brought it to the fellowship hall. Wow again!!!
The men of the church helped break down the sound equipment Friday night after church and place it in a room near the back door. We had to load it in the Green Machine to take to Bethel in Phoenix Saturday so there was no sense in loading it all in the bus.
Here is is unloaded Saturday evening and ready to load into the Bethel.
We had two wonderful services at Bethel, Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was our great pleasure to be with them again and to meet their Pastor Manu Thomas. He told me that he had pastored the church before and came back when Pastor Johnson George moved to Michigan.
Part of the great joy of traveling is going to new churches and being exposed to new people and different cultures. The Saturday and Sunday services, fellowship and meals at Bethel Christian Assembly were a tremendous blessing to us.

The Sunday morning service was at 11:30 and Odie's plain was leaving from Sky Harbor Airport at 2:50. It was going to be a delicate dance that had to be timed perfectly in order for everything to work out properly. I borrowed Bro. Noah's truck so that KJ could leave after church with Odie and I could load up the sound equipment and head back to the bus. It all worked out nicely.
Since I had the truck and was driving separately, I went to the Full Gospel Deliverance Tabernacle service at 9:30. This is the congregation that owns the building where the Bethel church meets and their Pastor was good to come be in the revival last year. I wanted to return the favor.
A few minutes after walking in the door, Pastor Smith asked me to preach and before I knew it, I was preaching! I enjoyed being with them very much and I look forward to going back soon.
As I mentioned Kelly Jo took Odie to the airport after the Bethel service. The airport is less than 10 minutes from the church and that is a good thing. Security put Odie and her wheelchair through the ringer and they arrived at the gate after the boarding process had begun.
Her journey went well and was reunited with my parents at the Cincinnati airport shortly before midnight eastern time.
Pastor Noah Martinez had asked me to preach again Sunday night and I was glad to do so. I hope the people enjoyed the preaching at least half as good as I enjoyed preaching. I learned a long time ago that just because I am having a good time, it does not mean I am preaching good!
That last thing we did at service Sunday night was sing Happy Birthday to Logan Martinez! Happy 11th Birthday, Logan!
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