
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Heat Is On!

Saturday we passed a big milestone in finishing the house for Odie to live in. Yay!!! The house now has central heat and air!

Dad and Steve spent most of the day at the house overseeing the work. I was able to drive Saturday and go about the process of getting everything into place for revival because they left me nothing to worry about. I can not tell you what a blessing and help that is.

Our HVAC contractor, Jeff, brought a crew of men and went right to work. They had to set the inside unit, set the outside unit, finish the duct work between the inside unit and the ceiling, run and connect the copper, hook up the electrical inside and out, put in the vent covers and hook up the thermostat.

You will see in the pictures below that there is a 4" hole in the outside block. I think that is Jeff feeding the copper lines through the opening and up into the slab floor to the inside unit. That was a dandy idea to put that pipe in before pouring the slab. It saved a lot of work Saturday and will make replacement easier if necessary in the future.

I do not know how they decided who would work on the outside unit but it was a very cold day so I am sure his job was pretty miserable. Everyone stayed right with it until the job was complete.

They did have some delay because of a faulty thermostat but the furnace was blowing nice warm air by the end of the day. Jeff will come back with a thermostat and install a vent in the side of the inside unit and then it will be completed.

Dad checked everything on Sunday and Monday. The house is cozy warm. Hallelujah! I really should have had Jeff complete this before the first hint of winter but I made the best decisions I could at the time. I am very glad it is done now.

Steve served as the official photographer for the final stage of the HVAC project and the pictures are below. I hope you enjoy. We sure were happy to see these pictures!

As soon as the outside temperatures warm up a little, the installation of the siding should begin. It is beginning to look good.

Thank you for stopping in to read today.



  1. Central heat must be a house warming...So proud everything is working out..Love y'all

    1. That is very clever, Bro. Larry. House Warming! HiLARRYous!

      WE are not finished yet but we are on the way.

      We love you too. See you soon by God's grace.



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