The Vintage View post today brings back some great revival memories. One of the greatest revivals we have ever been a part of began as Winter Camp Meeting for Pastor Joseph Chambers and the folks at Paw Creek Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was a sovereign move of God.
It was actually two revivals at once. We were having revival at night for the church and revival during the day in the school. Both revival experienced a glorious move of God for three weeks.
The second or third night of revival three or four people came to the altar for salvation. The next night, three or four more came. By the following night a soul saving avalanche had begun. Friday night there were six adult men praying for salvation. It was a glorious time.
Bro. Chambers announced on Thursday of the first week that we were going on a second week. It was the first two week revival the church had experienced in nearly 35 years. Early in the second week, Bro. Chambers announced revival would go the third week. They had never had a three week revival.
God saved multiple people each night and also in the school revival during the day. The revival re-lit a fire within me to win souls that still burns bright today. It also filled me with faith to believe that if the gospel is preached, God will do the work of salvation!
I told you that Bro. Chambers announced the extension of revival twice. He did not consult me in the decision at all. I never questioned his decisions because it was obvious I had stumbled into the will of God and I was not anxious to move away from the revival God was pouring out.
I kept canceling revivals until the revival in Charlotte had run its course by divine providence. I knew it was a God sent revival that was not propelled or promoted by my strength or human ingenuity.
Our next revival was as dead as a hammer. I suppose God wanted to make sure I knew it was Him and not me! I definitely received the message and I am very glad to give God the glory.
Here are a few pictures from those three weeks in Charlotte, North Carolina in January and February 2006. Most of them are of the school revival. I hope you enjoy.
Pastor and Sister Chambers
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