
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Prayer and The Tent Trailer

This is my sister Theresa saying, "The pizza rolls are done!"😀😀


This has been a super great week and we have been getting quite a bit of the punch list completed on the house. There are things left to do, but I believe we are ready for the final inspection from the county. This inspection is our final hurdle and is necessary for the house to be occupied.

The Warren County and Wayne Township officials have been incredibly good to me through this whole process. They have tolerated my questions and worked around my ignorance. I have tried to do everything they have asked and have been as prepared as I could be each step of the way.

One particular Warren County inspector has been wonderfully kind and patient with me. He went out of his way to make this unfamiliar process as easy as it can be for a novice. His inspections have been informative and productive. He has held me to the standards in a friendly and helpful manner.

He has also listened to my explanations when I have changed things up or wanted to do something backward to achieve a different look or effect. He has been a joy to work with and I would love to have him for the final inspection.

Unfortunately, he retired a few months ago. I have talked to the other inspectors that have been assigned his work load and they have been completely cordial and accommodating. Still, I am a little nervous because they may look at things differently than the inspector that has shepherded us through the last year.

Pray for us concerning this today, if you will. I appreciate it very much. God knows. 

There is a small chance the inspector will be too busy to get to us today and the inspection maybe be delayed. We need this inspection this week if possible AND we need to pass! Thank you.

Tent Trailer Work

Some of the work completed this week does not involve the house at all. Monday night, for a little over an hour, there was a lot of work going on inside the barn and the tent trailer. My brother Steve gathered together a big bunch of family and we completed work in one hour that would have taken me many hours to do.

Some of you may recall that with the full tent and all 400 chairs in the trailer, we are not able to haul the Green Machine in the trailer. Kelly Jo has to follow behind in the car. Since we will not need all 400 hundred chairs and the big tent this trip, we needed to rearrange the trailer.

All the tent stuff came out, 200 hundred chairs came out and the other 200 chairs were rearranged in the trailer. 3/4 of the tent, two center poles, a pile of stakes and side poles went up on the lift, everything was strapped down and the job was done. 

I am sure the folks that helped work wish it was completed as easy as it sounds!

Odie took a few pictures.

Hot pizza rolls again!

I can not tell you how much help this was to me and Kelly Jo! We did not have time to devote to the trailer, but it had to be done. They saved me a huge amount of work and time.

Thanks to Baby Lauren, Tommy, Steve, Luke, Karen, Theresa, Jonas, Lisa, Deidre, Ben and Kelly Jo! What a great group!

There will be more fun ahead. Thank you for reading today.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Vintage View Vednesday COYC 2002

The temperatures have been rising this week. It is only the last week of May, but feels more like summer is already setting in. We had some bad cold days last winter so I am not complaining about the heat yet. It will take more tha this to make me forget how cold I was only a few short months ago.

As the mercury goes up and the sweat begins to fly, my mind inevitably goes to youth camp. There were a few times of going to youth camp that I was sure they planned it for the hottest week of the year in order to keep eternity on our minds. It must have worked because the altars were always full.

Those youth camps from my youth were always the last week of June. We found a youth camp hotter than that near Purcell, Oklahoma. Central Oklahoma Youth Camp is held July 4th week every year and it is hot! We first visited COYC in 1990 and we loved it from the first service.

When we lived in Wichita, Kansas from 1999 through 2002 we went to COYC every year and took the young folks from New Horizon at least three of those years. We heard some fantastic preaching, enjoyed wonderful altar services and loved the fellowship. Did I mention it was HOT?

Oh, yes, COYC was always hot, but we made life long friends there and loved the experiences God gave us at camp. Plus, it was the first youth camp we had every attended with air conditioning in the dorms! Wow! That was pretty awesome too.

I was looking back through the archives and found a few pictures from Central Oklahoma Youth Camp in July 2002! These bring back some memories of amazing people and wonderful times. 

That year was also when we debuted our best selling song, "When Nothing But A Krispy Kreme Will Do." That was more fun that I can describe.

It is time for the pictures on this Vintage View Vednesday. I hope you enjoy.


First up, Bro. L.D. Moore

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

75th Birthday - Eugene Boggs

Monday was Memorial Day in the USA and also my Dad's 75th Birthday. Our family had a big meal planned and invited a lot of Dad's family. Dad had two sisters, a brother in law, a sister in law, all of his kids and all of his grandkids plus a bunch of nieces, nephew, inlaws, an Uncle, Aunt and more there. It was quite a shindig!

We went over about 1:30 and stayed for two hours. The celebration lasted several more hours but Kelly and I went back to the house to work some more. We had a great meal and it was wonderful to see so many that we do not see on a regular basis.

I hope Dad had a great birthday because we had a great time eating our way through it! Delicious!

Odie and others snapped a bunch of pictures and you can see all of them below.

Later in the evening several of the family came to the barn and helped us do a bunch of moving, working and shuffling in the tent trailer. That is a whole other story in itself and I will post about that another day.

I hope you enjoy the Memorial Day/75th Eugene Boggs Birthday pictures. Thank you for coming in to sit a spell.


All the veterans there today. These men represent service from WWII until just recently.

Dad and Mom and all of us chitlins.

Mom and Dad and Dad's two sisters.

The same group of above the a brother in law, sister in law and uncle and aunt added in.

Mom and Dad and the grandchildren.