Hey Friends,
This is Odie reporting in from a rolling BoggsMobile. We are homeward bound. This week coming up is a giant week. The final inspection on the house that is being built for me to live in is supposed to take place. We will be one huge step closer to completion. There are lots of loose ends to tie up before I can say it is done, but I am looking forward to beginning the moving in process!
We had a fantastic time this last week at Bible Holiness Church in Elkton, Virginia. It is always wonderful to be with Pastor Brent and Sis. Teresa Gabbard and the precious people of BHC. They have been true friends to our family! We love them dearly!
Memorial Day is a national holiday on Monday, but it is also a holiday for our Boggs family. It is my Papaw Eugene's birthday! I went through the archives and found several pictures that I wanted to repost today. This is an extra special birthday. He will be 75 years young!
I wanted to start the birthday celebration a little early today. I would like to wish my Papaw a very happy happy happy birthday!!! I love you Papaw more than you and I love ice cream!!! You know that is a whole lot of love! 😀 Thank you from the bottom my heart all that you do for us!
I do not have all the right words to tell you all about my amazing Papaw. He is absolutely awesome!! I think anyone that has met him will agree.
Papaw and Mamaw have put up with me for years. They have let me claim their spare room as my own. I have enjoyed every moment I have spent with them! I will forever cherish those memories.
Papaw taught my Dad to have a no quit attitude and Dad passed that on to me. Papaw shows us a determined attitude by example every day. It would be easy for him to sit down and quit. He is persistent and pushes through the obstacles of life and overcomes.
He is a hard worker always doing something to help others. There is no way possible that I can properly thank him for all the work he has done on the house project. He has kept it going while we have had to be rolling! He is always doing something behind the scenes for us.

Papaw is a true family man. He is constantly looking out for everyone in his family.

Papaw is a great cheerleader and encourager.

We are thankful God has kept him through sickness and has allowed us to have him with us longer. It truly is a miracle that he is alive! I am so grateful to God for answering our prayers. Please keep him in your prayers. A touch from God would be a wonderful birthday present for Papaw.

Papaw is the life of the party. He makes everything fun! I often say Papaw can do or fix anything. This picture below shows he can even conquer a Grizzly Bear. Papaw is pretty much a Super Hero!

Thank you for visiting with us today. I hope you have a great holiday weekend.
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