Our weekend began Friday with a few small BoggsMobile projects. We had a couple of things we intended to do while in Wichita, but it was near or over 100 degrees each day and four of our first five days we had two services. Friday morning was for projects.
The first project has no pictures. There is no glamour to it. I removed all the things I store in the plumbing bay and gave everything a good wash and disinfecting. I cleaned the bay itself and all the contents I store in there. It is something I like to do periodically.
Next the glamour job. I lifted Kelly Jo up through the hatch so she could give the Wichita sky and fresh coat of blue.
It looks likes she has done a good job!
Some of you may remember we have to baby the covers on our roof air conditioners. They get brittle, crack and break into a million pieces while we are going down the road. I lost one last year going from Wichita to Colorado. We both felt like checking them and reinforcing the cracks around the screws was a good idea. That is why KJ is on the roof.
Friday Bro. and Sis. Mitchell took us for Mexican to eat for lunch. Yummy!
We had a picture of Mexican from home too! Kelly Jo's Dad was painting on Odie's house and took a break with Gran at Acapulco!
O Yeah!
Odie snapped a few pictures from the great revival service on Friday night!

Bro. Mitch Boggs Jr., his wife and two of his boys, Roper and Cash came to visit Friday. That was a tremendous treat! Thank you, friends.
Bro. DiZazzo decided not to have church on Saturday night so we decided to take complete advantage of the day to rest. Kelly Jo spent all day Saturday to ourselves celebrating our belated anniversary and KJ's early birthday. It was a great day.
The final two services of revival at Bethany Revival Center were on Sunday. Here are a few pictures from Sunday morning.
The final two services of revival at Bethany Revival Center were on Sunday. Here are a few pictures from Sunday morning.

Then I took my overstuffed self outside and started getting things ready to ride. I wanted to disconnect the bus and trailer from utilities, crank the bus, hook the bus to the trailer, pull the car inside, strap it down, lock the trailer and back the whole conglomeration back into position.
Ready to go!

Ready to go!
I had three water hoses, a drain hose and three electrical cords on the ground and those were the first to come up. Thankfully all the moving and shaking went perfectly and in one hour we were inside and ready to take a nap. Kelly Jo is the hardest working evangelists wife in the USA!
The Sunday evening service was very good too. I think it was a fitting end to a great revival. Odie took a few pictures including this one of her and Sis. Mitchell. She will be 96 soon!

The Sunday evening service was very good too. I think it was a fitting end to a great revival. Odie took a few pictures including this one of her and Sis. Mitchell. She will be 96 soon!
When service was over it was hard to say goodbye to all of our friends. We loved being in Wichita again this year and we look forward to seeing them again soon.
Folks helped us load up the sound equipment and we were on the road by about 9:40 PM. We drove 152 miles toward Colorado Springs so we have about 350 to finish today.
I am writing this from a rest area on I-70 where we are parked. It is time to get a little sleep.
Thank you for dropping in today.
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