I wonder why I ever say something like, "Man, this has been a full weekend"? Do they make any other kind of weekends? I think they are all full. This weekend was super full and super fun!
The last couple of weeks we have been preparing for a very special event. We hosted an open house and dedication for Odie's house Friday evening. We invited all of the churches, individuals and families that contributed with materials, labor or finance to the house project.
Although we did not want anyone to feel obligated to come from a long distance, we wanted all of them to have a chance to witness first hand the miracle that they helped to bring to pass. We had people from California to Virginia that came and I think Odie, Kelly Jo and I had smiles plastered on our faces bigger than Texas. It was an awesome evening that will cause us to smile for a long, long time.
People started arriving early and they went right to work on our last minute punch out list, cleaning and preparation. Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim Morris came on Thursday along with Bro. Sheldon and Sis. Barbara Walley from their church. Bro. Mitch and Sis. Lynn Boggs and four of their boys, Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe and Bro. Eddie, Sis. Tina and Bro. Jordan Deane all arrived on Friday.
Thanks for all the help friends!
People started arriving early and they went right to work on our last minute punch out list, cleaning and preparation. Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim Morris came on Thursday along with Bro. Sheldon and Sis. Barbara Walley from their church. Bro. Mitch and Sis. Lynn Boggs and four of their boys, Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe and Bro. Eddie, Sis. Tina and Bro. Jordan Deane all arrived on Friday.
Thanks for all the help friends!
Our friend Jorge and his wife at Acapulco!
Bro. Marc Lamb and Bro. EJ Lamb brought over Bro. EJ's golf cart to assist in the festivities.
Here are a few pictures from the brief dedication service on the front porch of the house Friday evening.
I will have more to say and many more pictures tomorrow by God's grace.
We visited with friends Friday night until they were all worn out and then Kelly and I went into Odie's house and we sat and visited with Odie in the afterglow of the love that had been shown to our family all evening long. We breathed deeply and enjoyed the moment and what a wonderful moment it was.
After the long build up to the big day on Friday and all of the excitement and joy we shared with family and friends before, during and after the event, surely you would not blame us if Saturday was unproductive, lazy and anticlimactic, would you?
What? Are you serious?
The days keep getting bigger and better all weekend long!
Saturday morning we set up our sound equipment in Dodds church next door and then we drove to Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky to eat lunch with Steve and Karen. We had met a couple on vacation that own a Mexican restaurant called Montoyas and we promised them we would try to visit their restaurant. Saturday was the day and we had a great time with Steve and Karen meeting new people and having a fine meal.
We left them and drove about 15 minutes to a church in Union, Kentucky. Why church in the middle of the day on Saturday when our sound system is already set up at a church over an hour away?
The Isaacs of course!!!
Yes, the Isaacs were singing at Union Baptist and we thoroughly enjoyed visiting before and after the concert and we loved all the singing in the middle. It made for a long drive and a late night afterward, but it was worth every moment.
Sunday we had Homecoming next door at Dodds Church. I appreciate Pastor Kelly Rogers inviting me home to preach this special service in the church where I was raised. I always enjoy it.
The Lord touched us in the service and drew some men to the altar. Oh Praise God for His help at Homecoming. It was a wonderful day for people to come home to the Lord!
The Lord touched us in the service and drew some men to the altar. Oh Praise God for His help at Homecoming. It was a wonderful day for people to come home to the Lord!
Pastor Kelly Rogers
Of course the Homecoming meal was great too. My cousin Gerald made some greens that ought to make the front page of the local paper. Wow! They were good!
That about wraps up our wonderful weekend. Tomorrow I hope to post pictures from the open house and dedication and Tuesday night we begin Indoor Fellowship Meeting at our home church. Bro. Duane Galiher is preaching the day services and Bro. Bill Parks is preaching the nights. It is going to be outstanding!
Thank you for stopping by today.
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