In June of 2009 we were at Bristow Camp Meeting in Bristow, Oklahoma the first week of June. Pastor Brandon Murray walked up and ask me when I was going to preach revival at his church in Lawton, Oklahoma. I said "Would this Sunday be OK?" He said, "Are you serious?" and I answered, "Yes, I just had a cancellation." Less than five minutes later he told me that he had sent out a group text to his church and we were going to have revival!
There went my week off at the lake!😎 And what a tremendous week it became for us in Lawton. We had a wonderful revival and became better acquainted with these great people.
I had preached for this church for a different Pastor, different location and different crowd in the 90's. I had also preached for Bro. Brandon one night a year or so before, but June 2009 was our first revival for him and we loved it.
The funny thing is that I often say "Would it be OK to start this Sunday?" when Pastors ask me to come. It is fun to see their response. I think this might have been the first time I was serious when I said it and Bro. Brandon took me up on it.😀
For our Vintage View Vednesday we have some pictures from that revival in June 2009. I can not wait for you to see the difference in some of these children when we post revival pictures on Friday.
I hope you enjoy. Thank you for stopping by this Wednesday.
I see Sis Boggs must of introduced one of her friendly pets to somebody that week.
The tarantula? That one happened to be real and he introduced himself to all of us. The dog was fascinated with it and so was Kelly Jo.
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