I hope you are ready for a long post with lots of pictures. It is time for the weekend report that goes back into the week a bit.
Wednesday we had a warmish dry day in the forecast and I took advantage of it. I spent a couple of hours checking air in the BoggsMobile tires and putting new batteries in the tire pressure monitors. Then we cranked up and took the bus for a test drive. I was having a little air issue when we arrived home from Tennessee and I wanted to test it out.
Wednesday we had a warmish dry day in the forecast and I took advantage of it. I spent a couple of hours checking air in the BoggsMobile tires and putting new batteries in the tire pressure monitors. Then we cranked up and took the bus for a test drive. I was having a little air issue when we arrived home from Tennessee and I wanted to test it out.
Everything tested out fine. I emptied the holding tanks and then Kelly Jo pulled the bus back into the barn. Then we had our Christmas dinner at Odie's house that I already told you about.
Thursday Bro. Jared Burris and Emily, JC, Gunner and Grant stopped in at Odie's for a visit. It was wonderful to spend a little time with our dear friends.
Thursday night we were blessed to be at Dryden Rd. and hear Bro. John Gabbard preach!
Friday was a full day of preparation. KJ did laundry and prepared the bus to roll inside. I had taken all the sound equipment out of the bus before we went to Nigeria. Friday I sorted all of that and put in what we needed for the weekend. Kelly Jo worked right up until bedtime.
We did take time to drink a little salsa with Kelly Jo's parents and my parents. We see all of them way too little so we always have time for them. Kelly and her Dad did a little pickin' and grinnin' too.
Odie and Lisa had time for some Skyline!
Saturday we were loaded, cranked, hooked up and rolling by a few minutes before 7:00 AM. We had a very smooth trip and 4 1/2 hours later we were pulling into Trinity Pentecostal Church near Central City, Kentucky to conduct a Planning and Vision Service in preparation for tent revival this coming summer. It was a tremendous service, but first, we had an awesome lunch and wonderful fellowship with our friends.
Did I mention that Steve and Karen are with us this weekend? We are super stoked to have them riding shotgun for a few services.
They also helped us load in sound equipment and get our sound check.

It was a great night all around and we are looking forward to Tent Revival in Central City!
After church, we loaded up the BoggsMobile and turned east toward Hodgenville, Kentucky. 100 miles later, we were pulling into our old familiar home at HPC. It was great to be with our friends again.
Sunday was the 5th Sunday in the month of December and that brings a special day at HPC. They have one big service on Sunday morning and then a great big dinner. Both the service and the dinner were awesome!
Here are a few pictures of our Sunday.
I was having a few problems with one of my speakers during service so Sunday afternoon I spent some time trying to work that problem out while we were tearing down the equipment. We spent the evening visiting with Bro. and Sis. Webb and their family. It was a super great day!

That wraps up our weekend. Today we plan to drive to West Harrison, Indiana. We are scheduled to wrap up the year with Pastor Wade Hicks and all of his fine folks. The service begins at 8:00.
Thank you for reading.
That wraps up our weekend. Today we plan to drive to West Harrison, Indiana. We are scheduled to wrap up the year with Pastor Wade Hicks and all of his fine folks. The service begins at 8:00.
Thank you for reading.
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