One day during the week I was sitting at Odie's table trying to work on a project and some "thing" started coming right for me. I heard the noise first and then it began attacking me. Thankfully it was only R2D2's little brother.

Odie says it is a robot that vacuums her floors, but I think it was spying on me and looking for a weak place to pounce.
The weekend began in fine fashion Friday afternoon at the Brazillian Steakhouse, Rodizio Grill at Liberty Center down toward Cincinnati. Wow! What a great way to get the weekend rolling!
Odie says it is a robot that vacuums her floors, but I think it was spying on me and looking for a weak place to pounce.
The weekend began in fine fashion Friday afternoon at the Brazillian Steakhouse, Rodizio Grill at Liberty Center down toward Cincinnati. Wow! What a great way to get the weekend rolling!
Each year we try to take Steve and Karen to eat for Christmas as a small token for all they do to keep our family and ministry running at home. They collect and forward all our mail and take care of any other thing that needs attention whether big or small.
We had a wonderful evening of visiting and eating as much as we could hold. It was tremendous!
Thank you, Steve and Karen, for all that you do. We love you much!
Saturday we visited some with family, the girls did a big grocery run to be prepared for Christmas cooking and I spent time preparing to preach twice on Sunday.
Part of the visit was with our newest family member. Steve and Karen are now grandparents. That makes me a great uncle. I kind of like the sound of that. Odie said, Davy the Great, but that might be carrying things a bit too far.😀
This is Erica Joelle and they are calling here Jo Jo. She is beautiful! It was a pleasure to meet her. She seemed to be quite content sleeping in my arms propped up on my belly.

I felt pretty content myself!

Sunday morning we were scheduled to be with Pastor EJ Lamb and the Anchor of Hope Church. We had a sweet move of the Lord and they responded warmly to the Word of God. We love being with Bro. EJ, Sis. Lacy, Bro. Bill, Sis. Norma and all the people.
Sunday night we were in Sharonville, Ohio with Pastor Randy Brown and his great church. We had a wonderful service and loved being there. God blessed with a great touch and an awesome response in the prayer line. This is another church that we enjoy visiting when we are home.
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