
Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Little Food Talk In Sterlington

We are having a great time in Sterlington, Louisiana this week. The crowds and services have been good and the people here are extremely kind and thoughtful. We are having a tremendous time. 

I often say during revival, we are enjoying this revival one meal at a time. That is definitely true again this week!

Pastor Tracy Boyd knows we like Mexican food so we are on a Mexican food tour this week. We have been to Fiesta Linda twice, El Paso and Avocado's so far. We will go to another one today and then either on to yet another or swing back for a repeat. I must say we are enjoying it a big bunch.

This is a picture of the street tacos at Fiesta Linda.

Here are the lunch chicken Fajitas at El Paso.

Here is a cheese Enchilada and Tamale from El Paso.

Below is a picture of the lunch chicken Fajitas at Avocado's

I may give you a full report later, but Fiesta Linda definitely wins in the chips and salsa category so far. It will be hard to beat that, but we are willing to try and try again. Do not ever give up! As Odie often says, "I would give up chocolate, but my Daddy taught me to never be a quitter!"

As some of you know, I try not to eat anything after church most nights. Sometimes I do eat after church on Sunday, but I try to hold a tight line on myself other nights. Now, this is not "Churchy" at all, because most everything we do revolves around food.

I understand that completely. For many, many, many years I ate my biggest meal after church at night. I loved every greasy and cheesy bite of each and every meal! I am not trying to change the world on this, I am just trying to do better myself.

We still go to restaurants and the Pastor's house after church and fellowship around the food. My girls eat, everyone else eats, but I try hard not to eat. It is something I need to do.

Most people understand, but I have disappointed a few cooks along the way, especially when they know how much I have loved their late night food in the past. The teasing is all in good fun and people are starting to get used to my new "odd" habits.

Pastor Tracy Boyd decided he was going to try to hang with me and not eat after church during the revival. We all doubted him the moment he declared it. Bro. Tracy has even surprised himself! He has not eaten after church for three nights in a row!

If he keeps this up, he will be a lean mean preaching machine by the time he and I preach Elco camp meeting the first week of July! Maybe we will redo this picture then!

Thank you for dropping by today.



  1. We are having a great revival with yall this week! We have received strength and help!

    1. Thank you, Bro. Scott. We are enjoying the revival very much and we are praising God for His help.



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