I jumped the gun in last week's Vintage View Vednesday when I told you I would have pictures of Montana and Glacier National Park in the next post. Since then I found pictures from our partial day viewing the Grand Tetons. Our second day in the area, we met up with Bro. Randall Wilson and his family. We toured the lower loop of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park.
These Vintage pictures include a few from the southernmost part of the Yellowstone loop and the rest of our drive that day down toward Jackson Hole. It was an incredible day with friends viewing amazing things that God has created. I also found a few pictures of us kicking around the town of West Yellowstone where we parked the fifth wheel.

I forget how many times we crossed the Continental Divide in three days time, but it was a bunch.

I remember this one because Isa Lake is straddling the Continental Divide. In the dry season, it is two smaller bodies of water. After the spring melt, it is one lake. As it drains, some of the water flows toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic and some of the water flows toward the Pacific. A few inches difference becomes a difference of thousands of miles!
Isa Lake, known as a Two Ocean Lake.

Wow! What amazing beauty!
There is much, much more to the story of our accidental vacation. Stay tuned, you do not want to miss a moment!😀😀
Thank you for stopping in today. AND thank you for praying for us.
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