Odie has a few pictures left over from Friday night at Calvary. The last night of revival was planned as a Gospel singing and that is exactly what we did, with preaching thrown in all the way through it. We enjoyed the night. We appreciate Pastor David Webb and His son Geron from Hodgenville, Kentucky playing bass and drums for us Friday night.
The first two pictures are courtesy of Taylor Webb.
We had great fellowship with friends after church that had come from several different places. We did not load our sound stuff in the bus because it was raining cats and dogs after church. I caught a small break in the rain Saturday morning and loaded it up then.
I cranked the bus about 10:00, unhooked the utilities and put away the boards we sometimes use to get level and then KJ backed out. The church has a nice wide entrance/exit on their parking lot, but the road is narrow. I have had trouble getting out without getting a tire and thus the bus in the ditch in times past. The last time I was here, I backed out and I remembered that this time.
Note to self: I directed KJ to the western edge of the west most exit and turned her sharp into the road as soon as the back wheels were clear of the ditch. We were able to do it with a three-point turn. If we hit that point in the future with the front end of the bus a little more toward the church, we Might be able to eliminate the third point.
Once we were out of the parking lot, Kelly Jo followed me a mile or so to the Pilot truck stop near the interstate and we hooked the Green Machine to the bus. After that was only a matter of pulling onto the interstate and holding onto the wheel.
We exited the interstate at Seymour, Indiana. We detoured one block off of 50 at Seymour to take a look at a possible tent revival location for the future. Then we followed 50 west toward Bedford and then made our way to the church at Tunnel Hill.
Pastor Dallas and Sis. Luvenia Lakes were waiting on us at the church when we pulled in about 2:00 PM. It was great to see our old friends and we visited a few hours counting a nice meal later in the evening.
Saturday night my brother Steve and his wife Karen arrived to be with us for Easter. It was super duper great to have them here all day!

The Easter Services were great. Praise God for his help for us and for the saints at Tunnel Hill Pentecostal Church. Revival runs through Thursday night, by God's grace. If you are in this area, please come be with us if you can.

Thank you for joining us today.
Once we were out of the parking lot, Kelly Jo followed me a mile or so to the Pilot truck stop near the interstate and we hooked the Green Machine to the bus. After that was only a matter of pulling onto the interstate and holding onto the wheel.
We exited the interstate at Seymour, Indiana. We detoured one block off of 50 at Seymour to take a look at a possible tent revival location for the future. Then we followed 50 west toward Bedford and then made our way to the church at Tunnel Hill.
Pastor Dallas and Sis. Luvenia Lakes were waiting on us at the church when we pulled in about 2:00 PM. It was great to see our old friends and we visited a few hours counting a nice meal later in the evening.
Saturday night my brother Steve and his wife Karen arrived to be with us for Easter. It was super duper great to have them here all day!
The Easter Services were great. Praise God for his help for us and for the saints at Tunnel Hill Pentecostal Church. Revival runs through Thursday night, by God's grace. If you are in this area, please come be with us if you can.
Thank you for joining us today.
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