Our tent revival season is fast approaching and we are excited about it. In past years we have had many tent revivals in March, April and May, but we are very glad we have not had the tent up anywhere the last two months. Between rain, hail, and tornadoes, we would be nervous wrecks even if the tent was not a wreck.
Weather is always something we pray much about when the tent is going in the air. I would rather err on the side of caution rather than lose the tent in a storm or watch it wrap around a house or church. With tornadoes striking the US every day for the last 14 days straight, It has been difficult enough keeping the bus from being a target, much less the tent.
Colorado Springs, Pastor Thomas
Our first three tent revivals are just around the corner. Two weeks from tomorrow we will set it up for the first time this year at Souls Harbor Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The first service will be Father's day morning. We are really looking forward to it.
The tent revival in Colorado Springs will run Sunday through Friday. You can see a PDF of that tent revival HERE. If you have never been to Colorado in the summer, you need to see what you have been missing all your life.
Amber, Oklahoma, Pastor Russell Cheek
Hopefully, we will take down the tent in Colorado Springs on Friday night after church. Then we will drive about 700 miles or so Saturday and Sunday to Amber, Oklahoma for our second tent revival of the season. We plan to set the tent up on Monday evening and run tent revival Tuesday through Sunday morning, June 25-30. You can see a PDF of the Amber tent flyer HERE.
We need to take down the tent dry in Amber. Hopefully, that can be done Sunday afternoon and we can hit the road Sunday evening. We are preaching the day services of Elco, Illinois Camp Meeting the next week. The meeting begins on Monday night and our first service is Tuesday morning.
Middletown, Ohio, Pastor Kevin Allen
By the end of the next week, we plan to have the tent in position to set up in Middletown, Ohio. We are doing a City Reach type meeting for Pastor Kevin Allen. He has secured the use of a city park close to his church and in a great neighborhood. We are very excited to set up there.
Pastor Allen does not have many folks in his church plant and we are praying for soul saving revival. We really need help during this revival. We will need help setting up the tent at 8:00 AM Saturday, July 13 and help taking it down Friday night July 19 or Saturday, July 20 depending on the weather.
But even more so, we need help during the revival meeting. We need people under that tent, having church, praising God and allowing God to move. When people do those things, God will inhabit our praise and begin to work in a mighty way in the neighborhood. We need you and we would love for you to come and be a part of tent revival in Middletown, Ohio July 14-19.
HERE is a PDF of the flyer for the tent revival in Middletown. The revival will be at Damon Park, 1500 Pershing Avenue, Middletown, Ohio. I can not tell you how pleased and bless we will be if you will join us.
For those of you that can not join us, will you pray for us? We know God is able to save, bless, heal and deliver. We expect Him to do all of that and so much more.
Thank you for reading today.