Thank you for all of the nice comments, texts, emails and phone calls we received from family and friends that liked our Mile Marker Tuesday about my Grandma and Grandpa Isaacs. We sure appreciate you taking time to let us know when you enjoy what we write.
They were great people and it was enjoyable to write about them. One phone call said I needed to write more about them. Maybe I will in the future.
A Great Week
We are enjoying an especially good revival this week at Westside in Claremore, Oklahoma. I believe it is getting better each night. Wednesday night was tremendous! Praise God for an outpouring of His Spirit.
Fellowship is always a boost to revival, but fellowship has felt even better this week. This is Bro. Millikin's first revival to host as Pastor and having churches come from the whole Tulsa area has been a special blessing for them, the church and for us. You will see a lot of familiar faces from neighboring churches when we post pictures tomorrow.
They were great people and it was enjoyable to write about them. One phone call said I needed to write more about them. Maybe I will in the future.
A Great Week
We are enjoying an especially good revival this week at Westside in Claremore, Oklahoma. I believe it is getting better each night. Wednesday night was tremendous! Praise God for an outpouring of His Spirit.
Fellowship is always a boost to revival, but fellowship has felt even better this week. This is Bro. Millikin's first revival to host as Pastor and having churches come from the whole Tulsa area has been a special blessing for them, the church and for us. You will see a lot of familiar faces from neighboring churches when we post pictures tomorrow.
It has been refreshing of us to be here too. Renewing friendships that have meant so much to us through the years has been pleasant and sweet. Getting to spend time with Bro. and Sis. Meadow and Bro. and Sis. Millikin is like 1" of chocolate icing on top of moist chocolate cake!
We have been staying busy during the day. Monday morning was set aside to give the BoggsMobile a good bath from the roof down. I had not washed the bus except for spot washing and cleaning bugs off the front since the day we rolled into Citronelle, Alabama in February.
That was the day I washed the back of the bus that was so dirty from the repair in Houston two weeks before.
The back had some more greasy hand prints the next week while it was broke down again, but they only received spot treatment until Monday. The whole bus got a good washing on Monday.
We started with the roof. We usually wipe down areas of the roof when we are up there for another purpose, but it has been a long while since it had a good cleaning. The stars have to line up perfectly to get it done.
Star #1 good weather.
Star #2 a good solid surface to park the bus so that I can safely use a ladder.
Star #3 a step ladder that is at least 10' tall.
Star #4 a close water spigot and decent water pressure.
Star #5 time.
Star#6 gumption.
Bro. Jimmy Millikin brought his 10' ladder and the gumption showed up about the same time.😀
The roof and air conditioner covers were a mess!
The roof and air conditioner covers were a mess!
I did the washing from the ladder and KJ helped me move the ladder and hose around the bus. It took us about one hour and 20 minutes. Then the rest of the bus was really nasty from the dirt flowing off the roof. We had to wash the sides, front and back from top to bottom.
Normally, I can wash the stainless, front and back, plus tires and wheels in about 45 minutes. Monday we took one hour and 40 minutes to wash every inch of the front, back and sides. That included two coats of RainX on the windshields.
Normally, I can wash the stainless, front and back, plus tires and wheels in about 45 minutes. Monday we took one hour and 40 minutes to wash every inch of the front, back and sides. That included two coats of RainX on the windshields.
Three hours of work and we were done.
After lunch, we gave the Green Machine a good washing too. That very night and most of the next morning, it rained cats and dogs! Oh well.
We have been enjoying good meals and good fellowship this week.

KJ wanted you to see her flowers.

Random Act of Kindness
Let me tell you about an Random Act of Kindness that was shown to us without us even knowing who the kind person is. When we arrived in Paden Friday morning, it was not raining. It was a stretch to the power box so I added an extension and put the surge protector in between the two cords. I had no idea that I put it in a low place in the parking lot. It looked fine to me while it was dry.
When it rains hard, there is a 2"+ deep puddle right there. It began raining after church and someone must have noticed it was going to get wet. Whoever it was, put this concrete block under the surge protector and saved the day!
There are times I shake my head at people because I can not understand them at all. Saturday morning when I saw the kindness done for me, I was reminded that most people are good. Thank you, kind friend.
Thank you for stopping by today.
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