Well, what does an evangelist do that ends up with 2-3 extra days on his hands because of revival abandoned because of dangerous weather? Ideally, the answer to that question would be to hide somewhere with good weather and catch up on bookwork, study and rest. Not this time. We rushed home and spent three days working on projects I had over-optimistically thought we could get in one day when I set the schedule.
Therefore, thank God for a couple of extra days!
As I told you before, we were gone from Claremore by 10:30 Sunday night. Shortly after 1:30 AM we stopped at the big rest area near Conway, Missouri for a few hours sleep. We had driven 201 miles.
We rolled Monday morning and kept rolling all day long. Our only stop beside bathroom breaks was a fuel stop in Sullivan, Missouri at Flying J.
We did not necessarily need fuel, but there is no sense buying any more diesel than I have to in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The fuel taxes in those three states are horrendous and Ohio is going up even more. Ugh!
9 hours and 11 minutes after we left the rest area Monday morning, we were getting parked next to the bar on the Lazy OD Ranch. We drove 563 miles making the total from Westside Church 764 miles.
There was no way I was going to make it for salsa after all of that, but we did find our way down there Tuesday for lunch.
I pulled out this $5 to put on the bill and noticed this, a stamp that says Return To: and then gives an address in OKC. I wonder how that works out? Is it legal to stamp US currency?
We had quite a bit of shuffling to do of sound equipment and other assorted tent revival paraphernalia and we stayed busy on that most of Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday. I also serviced the Honda generator we use for tent revival.
I do not think I have mentioned changing the oil in the Honda generator. It is so easy. Most generators or lawn mowers or other small engines are a hassle to do an oil change. This is easy to get to, the oil drains with no mess and it is easy to fill.

The hardest part was finding Honda brand oil. None of the Honda equipment dealers in our area carry it. I ordered two quarts from Amazon at a reasonable price and it was delivered the next day. You can not beat that.
A bunch of the sound stuff went into the bus, so I shuffled all of that into the bays before the rains came Wednesday afternoon. Now everything is loaded into the tent trailer and ready to go.

Our next two revivals in Iowa and Kansas are not tent revivals, but the next in Colorado Springs is tent revival so the trailer must go with us.
I tackled another small project that feels so big. I have had a Craftsman socket set for well over 20 years. It is a fine set and has lasted and functioned great. I have had one complaint from the beginning. The carrying case is and always has been awful. The sockets would never stay in place. I have put foam inside, cardboard inside and everything else I can think of.
75% of the time I have opened it up to get out a socket, I found most of them in a pile in the bottom. I would love to have a dollar for every time I have put them back in place. Double Ugh!
Amazon Prime is your friend. I counted all the 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" drive sockets and ordered these aluminum socket organizers and they arrived Wednesday. One of them did not make the picture below, but this is how it turned out.
All these fit in a toolbox drawer with the rachets. It was one small step for a man and a giant leap for my sanity.
More salsa of course.
While I was working on sockets, sound, tent trailer, generator and bus, Kelly Jo was hard at work putting our life back together. From the day we started building the house until now, the barn has been abused. It has served as a catch-all and we were throwing things at a high rate of speed for the last two years.
The rest of the barn will take time, but the two most important were the front corners. One corner has my workbench and the other corner is my took crib. Both of them were piled high with boxes of tools, building materials, packaging, trash and assorted leftover construction stuff.
Now they are a thing of beauty to behold!
Do you possess magical powers, Kelly Jo? Wow! What a woman!
For all her hard work, I took her for a nice relaxing meal Thursday evening. I know this is hard to believe, but the nice relaxing meal did not include salsa. What is up with that?
That brings our week up to Friday. Thank you for joining us today.
For all her hard work, I took her for a nice relaxing meal Thursday evening. I know this is hard to believe, but the nice relaxing meal did not include salsa. What is up with that?
That brings our week up to Friday. Thank you for joining us today.
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