
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Happy Father’s Day 2019

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from Colorado. It is time to put the tent up today in Colorado Springs. We are excited to be with Pastor Thomas and all of these folks! Last year we had a wonderful time under the Gospel Tent with the congregation of Souls Harbor. I am looking forward to a fantastic week of revival beginning tomorrow morning!

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s reading this post. Many of you have greatly influenced my life. I am thankful for the wonderful men that have helped guide me! I am incredibly blessed by your friendship to me and my family!

My Father

My Daddy is the world’s best Dad! He has taught me to live my life for God. I am eternally grateful for his guidance. He has been a fabulous life teacher! I shamefully admit that I have failed to be a stellar student. Dad has never given up on me and I am so thankful!

I love you more than a hog loves slop! Thank you for teaching me how to love. You have shown me by example from the moment I entered this world. I appreciate your wonderful example!

You have selflessly and sacrificially seen that my needs were well supplied. Your amazing efforts to make sure I could have or do fun things have not gone unnoticed. I can not adequately say thank you for all that you have done for me or given to me. Please know that I am saying thank you with my deepest sincerity! I am proud to call you my Dad!

Papaw Eugene Boggs

My Dad was blessed with an excellent Dad too!  Now I have a super awesome Papaw! I definitely would not be the person that I am today without his love and influence. 

Papaw, I love you so much! Thank you for teaching me determination and so many other things in life. Always remember this, I have loved you longer than all your other grandchildren. 

Papaw Danny Morgan

I am doubly blessed in the Papaw department. My Mom has a prince of a Dad. He is a gentle person! My Papaw Danny is one of the sweetest people to ever walk on this earth! 

Papaw, I love you so much, Kid. I love to have a good time with you! You have a special way of brightening a room with your presence. Thank you for making life fun! You have impacted me in so many ways and I am grateful for you! I am blessed to call you my Papaw. I gladly share you with the other grandchildren, but they must remember I was first.😀

God the Father
When I was a girl I knew that my “Super Daddy” could fix or do anything! I cannot remember the exact time that I figured out that was not exactly the case. Well, then I started taking things to my Papaws because they can do it all, or so I thought. I found something that my Papaws were not able to fix for me. My theory is if Papaw cannot fix something then it is officially broken beyond repair! 

I have had life experiences that my Dad or my Papaws could correct for me. They pointed me to my Heavenly Father and He truly can do everything! I am thankful for my Father in Heaven. He is the reason that we are all here today. He is a supernatural Father. I am privileged to be His child!

If you are reading and you need some special love I want to remind you that you are loved by God the Father. You can talk to Him anywhere and anytime. He is waiting to wrap you in His loving arms! I want to tell you that you are definitely not alone!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me today. I hope that you have a great weekend.


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