Well, we have finished another exciting weekend out here on the road. The service Friday night was great and made even greater by yet another surprise visit from our friends the Mayhan's from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Odie mentioned Friday afternoon that she anticipated them coming that night and she was right on the mark. It was terrific to have them with us again.
Saturday morning we met them at Cracker Barrel for breakfast.
Thank you for taking time, driving miles and spending dollars to visit us in revivals all over America. We cherish your friendship and we appreciate the efforts you make to keep us connected. We are already looking forward to seeing you soon!
Usually Bro. Bruce and I argue good naturedly over who is going to purchase the meal when we are out. We did not argue Saturday morning and neither one of us bought the meal. What?
Kelly Jo was carrying around Cracker Barrel gift cards that had been gifted to us quite a long time ago by Bro. Evan Binkley. This is Bro. Binkley at PFYC earlier this year.
We had tried to use the gift cards on past visits to Cracker Barrels around the country, but other people we were with insisted on buying so the unused cards were sitting dormant in KJ's purse. We put them back into the economy Saturday morning. Thank you, Bro. Evan!
KJ dropped me back at the BoggsMobile and I puttered around all afternoon, while they enjoyed a little retail therapy. Having lived in Wichita several years ago, Kelly Jo and Odie know all the places to go and have their favorites. They shopped some in the afternoon and a second session on Saturday evening.
The shopping was interrupted by a pleasant trip with Pastor John and Sis. Judy DiZazzo. We enjoyed a fine meal and mine was especially fine with this 12 ounce prime rib!

After we parted ways, the girls went back to shopping and I went back to sermon preparation.
I had almost forgotten, but I did a little shopping myself in the afternoon on Saturday. It was not really shopping, but it sure seemed to stretch into a long shopping venture. I knew exactly what I wanted, I knew the store had it in stock, I had the money to buy it and it still took me 90 minutes to get in and out of there. Whew!
A few years ago a church donated a small set of electronic drums for tent revivals and they served us well. Last year they gave up the ghost so a replacement set has been on the agenda all year. Since next week is the first tent revival of the season, it was time to get on my horse and ride.
I was in the market for an entry level set, with great reviews, cheap price and a small footprint. I decided on Alesis Nitro Mesh 8-Piece Electronic Drum Set and Guitar Center had a set in stock. All that knowledge means I do not have to shop. I go to a store that has the item, walk in, pay and walk out. How in the world was I in there 90 minutes? It is a long, long story.
Anyway, I got them and I hope they work out. Normally I would prefer acoustic drums to electric drums 20 to 1, but for ease of storing them and setting up every night, the electric drums win hands down. Especially when I have a big Meyer Sub like Ben Isaacs gave us for Tent Revival. They sound great with the sub!
Sunday we had two wonderful services. The Lord moved Sunday morning and we had a very sweet altar service. It was especially good to have Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe drive up to be here Sunday morning. We love Bro. Jimmie!
Thank you, friend.

Anyway, I got them and I hope they work out. Normally I would prefer acoustic drums to electric drums 20 to 1, but for ease of storing them and setting up every night, the electric drums win hands down. Especially when I have a big Meyer Sub like Ben Isaacs gave us for Tent Revival. They sound great with the sub!
Sunday we had two wonderful services. The Lord moved Sunday morning and we had a very sweet altar service. It was especially good to have Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe drive up to be here Sunday morning. We love Bro. Jimmie!
Thank you, friend.
Odie has been taking a few pictures most services and we will post Revival In Pictures toward the end of the week, by God's grace.
This morning, I am taking the Green Machine into the shop. Pastor DiZazzo's regular mechanic is going to look it over and at least change the thermostat and coolant. Hopefully, he will be able to take care of the problem.
Thank you for reading today.
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