Friday morning we finished the drive to Colorado Springs and arrived safely at Souls Harbor Church. It took a little while to unload the car, position the tent trailer in the right place and park the BoggsMobile, but we were sitting down to eat a bite about 2:00 PM. Bro. Gary Thomas was not home until later so we ran the generator until he was home and we could wire into his panel for electricity.
Friday evening Kelly Jo and I measured and marked the stake line for the tent so everything would be in order for set up Saturday morning. I pulled things out of the trailer Saturday and a few minutes before 10:00 the men from the church began to arrive and we went to work.
I will have all the pictures from the set up later, but here it is.
And After
We kicked around the tent all day Saturday and enjoyed a great day anticipated all that God is going to do under the tent this week.
Kelly Jo and Odie had Father's Day cards prepared for me and Odie bought me a nice vest and 10 custom wood picks. Odie's car was huge!

Sunday morning was absolutely beautiful! We had a good crowd and a wonderful service.
It was beautiful after church for a while and then a storm blew in, bring coooooler temperatures with it. Wow!

The rains came tumbling down here, but about 20 minutes west of here is was hail so thick it looked like snow and had to be shoveled. It was wild weather.
This is five miles from the hail, flooding at Walmart!

Thankfully the worst of it passed before church and the people showed up for church. Praise God for a wonderful service and a terrific response in the altar.
The service Sunday night was a tremendous wrap up to a great weekend. We are praising God for His help and looking forward to what he is going to do all week long. We will be having service each night at 7:00 AND we will be having service during the day Thursday and Friday. It is going to be fun.
Thank you for joining us today.
Thank you for joining us today.
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