Our tent setup day this week began with the final leg of our long trip from Colorado Springs to Amber, Oklahoma. Here we are at a Walmart on the south side of OKC.
We did not have very far to go Monday, but this is one of the last things I want to see on the last leg of a 700+ mile trip. It was mighty narrow for a few miles.
We pulled into the parking lot at Amber and left things running. We had some figuring to do. The lot where we had tent revival last year across the street is sopping wet this year. Pastor Russell Cheek had three other options ready with the utilities marked on all of them. We had to decide which would work best. One of the spots required driving three stakes in the parking lot, but it was the best spot of the litter in my opinion and his too.
Pastor Cheek jumped on the mower and knocked the grass down a notch.
Over the next four hours, Kelly Jo and I marked out the stake line, Bro. Waller brought his truck and moved the trailer into position, I drilled three holes in the pavement, David Israel and I drove six of the stakes and we moved the bus into position and hooked up the electric.
About 4:00 PM the church began serving free snow cones and hotdogs with chili.
A few minutes after 6:00, we began.

We had a brother and sister team climb up on top of the tent to fix the rain flap. Yep, I said sister, the first girl ever on the tent.

Tent climbers Payton and Keldon

This is not all the people that were here, but this is a big part of the crew. They did a great job working Monday night!

Funny face

I love seeing the Blue and White Gospel Tent in the air! I love it even more when the Lord moves and touches people each night like He is this week. I hope to have some pictures from tent revival tomorrow night.
Thank you for stopping by today.
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