
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reminiscing And Rejoicing

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from Ohio. We had a wonderful, wonderful week of revival in Middletown, Ohio. It was awesome to see God moving under the Gospel tent. It was good to work with Pastor Kevin Allen and the Calvary Pentecostal Lighthouse. We are expecting God to do great things for this church as a continuation of revival.

I am sure that Dad will have more to say on this later, but the tent came down nicely after the final service Friday night. Mom and Dad should be arriving back at the Ranch shortly.

It has been nice to be close to home. Thanks to my parents for allowing me to actually stay in my home during revival instead of in the bus at the tent. That leaves them with some extra work as we usually operate as a team watching the tent, so it is a sacrifice for them to allow me to be home.

Thanks to Mamaw and Papaw and my cousin Lisa for helping me get to church each night! I very much appreciate your help. I could not do it without you.

My house is a miracle from God and I am reminded of it every time I roll through the door. I think it is beautiful and I am so grateful for my amazing blessing. 

The other day I made a small lunch for myself and it made me reminisce and rejoice. I sat at my table and thanked God for the blessing of food, my home and the contents in my house. I was reminded of the countless times that I had made myself lunch on my Little Tikes Kitchen when I was younger. In those days I would dream of being older and having a home of my own. Now that dream is a reality. 

Years ago I had no idea what my life would consist of today. I had plans and dreams, but God’s plan for me was way better than I could have imagined. As Dad wrote in a song, "I have dreams, but you (God) have a plan.Now I have my wonderful real kitchen, I have real food to prepare.

Plus, I am still alive after eating my cooking. That may be another miracle right there. 

I am amazed by the goodness of God as I reminisce. The Lord has been so good to me! Today I had to share my thankful heart once again. Thank you once again to each person who helped my dreams become a reality. I pray God’s blessings upon you daily!

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. 


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