Praise God for excellent tent revival services the first three nights! I always want to see more people touched, more people saved, more people healed, but I am so thankful for what we have seen. God has been helping folks and it has been wonderful to see. Praise God!
We had a little light rain during service Monday night and a deluge a few hours before service Tuesday night. There was a heavy percentage of rain forecast for storms right during church Tuesday, but it all went north of us. I certainly praise God for that! Every moment with no rain, while people are under the tent, is a blessing.
I am sitting under the tent right now with a sprinkle of rain and some showers thrown in, but I am soaking in the blessings of the service that ended a few hours ago. It was so rich and so real and I am very grateful to God.
Normally on Wednesday, you expect to see Vintage View Pictures, but it might be a nice break to spend today's post looking at pictures from the tent going up in Damon Park in Middletown.
Pastor Kevin Allen and I were both concerned about having enough people to get the tent in the air in Damon Park last Saturday. We both rallied folks and by God's grace, it worked. Look at this great crowd!
There were four Pastors helping in addition to Bro. Allen. Pastor Dallas Lakes, Pastor Phil Hoskins, Pastor Todd Hatcher and Pastor Kelly Rogers. We also had friends from Dryden Rd, Dodds and other places. There were also family members from Pastor Allen's church folks that came to help. Each and every one of the people that came was a tremendous encouragement to me personally.
After we took that group picture above I ask Pastor Lakes to say a few words and pray a prayer of dedication. We have conducted three tent revivals for him in Indiana and he told a few things the Lord did in those revivals and then he prayed. The Holy Ghost slipped under that tent and we could all feel Him working already! Hallelujah!
We have had great services so far and we are looking for it to get even better. This is a great neighborhood for tent revival and we have been promised many visitors.
Saturday Set Up
Saturday Set Up
We began setting out stakes at 8:00 AM on the dot and by 8:45 the tent was in the air, snugged and ready to be tightened. The chairs were in position, the lights were hung and the tent was tight before 9:30. It was a great set up.
Kelly Jo and I and a few others piddled with electric cords and sound system cords for a couple of hours and then KJ and I rested under the tent until the heat drove us inside.
Here are a few pictures from the day. I hope you enjoy. Thank you for stopping in.
This is from the bus door.
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