Let's start this weekend report on Friday afternoon as we were leaving Ohio and pointing the BoggsMobile toward Evansville, Indiana. We stayed for service Friday morning and lunch afterward. We visited for a while with family and friends and then it was time to roll.
I did the work of the evangelist, unhooked the utilities and then Kelly Jo cranked the old Detroit. Soon she was backing out and onto the road.
It was 2:30 when we left Dayton and we hoped to be in Evansville in 4.5 hours at the most. However, we hit traffic in Cincinnati and in Louisville. It was 8:00 eastern and 7:00 central when we pulled into the church with only 30 minutes of daylight to spare.
Kelly Jo and I measured and marked the stake line just before dark and then Pastor John and Sis. Debbie Eaton came and he helped me move the trailer into position. Saturday morning I was up early preparing for the tent to be erected. Help came at 8:00 and all the work was completed in short order. Praise God.

The weather is terrific this week so far and Saturday evening was especially beautiful.
The weather is terrific this week so far and Saturday evening was especially beautiful.
We had both services under the Blue and White Gospel Tent Sunday and they were both really good. We have already had several people praying in the altar that had never been inside the church next door and that is always a big goal.
With the great response on Sunday, I am very excited to see what the rest of the week holds with tent revival. I am looking for many people to be saved.
The weather guesser was calling for rain during service Sunday night, but by when it was time for service he had revised his guess. The second guess was correct, no rain. Wonderful!
We did have a few sprinkles after service was over and after the equipment was loaded. They are predicting storms overnight into Monday, but as of now (Midnight Central Time) all is calm. The temperatures are supposed to be awesome for the last week of August and we are very thankful for that.
Odie took a few pictures Sunday morning and Sunday evening.
We are right in town and there is quite of bit of pedestrian traffic all through the night. That means I need to keep a close eye on things. As of this moment, I am sitting in the passenger seat of the bus and watching the tent through the windshield.
I am experimenting with cameras and motion detectors too. This is the third week using the motion detectors and the second week using cameras. I think I am about to work out a system that I can trust to alert me if anyone goes under the tent.
That is about it for the weekend. Thank you for dropping in to check on us today. Thank you for praying for us too. Come back again soon.
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