People always want to know if Kelly Jo ever drives the bus. I am not sure why they ask. As tough and skilled and smart as KJ is, the question should be, does Davy ever drive the bus? Anyway, Does Kelly Jo help with the driving? The answer is yes and no.
She has driven the bus on the road before. Our first Arizona/California trip in the bus in 2009, Kelly Jo drove 69-70 miles on I-10 between two rest areas. She did a great job on the open road, even moving into the left lane to pass slower moving vehicles.
She did not feel comfortable and she did not like it at all. That is OK, I did not feel comfortable or like driving the bus for at least 2-3000 miles. But she did a great job and she knows what to do in an emergency situation if she needs to drive the bus.
I do not think she has driven the bus on the road since then. However, she does park the bus most of the time and she is great at it! She has amazed several Pastors we have preached for over the years although she does not look forward to parking for an audience.
At Sun Valley Church the bus needs to parallel park between a shed and a post.

The post protects the concrete top of the well and we certainly do not want to get the bus on that. There is also a water hydrant that is actually closer to the bus than the post is.

The post protects the concrete top of the well and we certainly do not want to get the bus on that. There is also a water hydrant that is actually closer to the bus than the post is.
On the far side of the parking spot is a fence. Standing out from the fence is an electric post and a post protecting it. All this acts as a curb, but you can not run up on this curb.
This is the bus in the parked position in relation to the building.
Kelly Jo nailed the parallel parking when we pulled in Thursday evening. I think she had been dreading it for 2600 miles. AND she nailed it the first time she backed in! I did have her pull forward so I could put some boards under the back wheels, but she was straight the first time!
KJ learned to drive in our 1974 stick shift VW Beetle. She took her driver's test in our 1996 stick shift S-10 2-Door Chevy Blazer. But this woman was born to drive a bus!
You Go Girl!
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