
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Odie’s 2019 Trip To Montana

Hey Friends,

A Special Reminder 

This is Odie reporting in from the road. I want to remind you about an exciting thing that happens tonight. We get an extra hour of sleep! The clocks will fall back an hour. Do not forget to fix your clocks.

Back To Regular Programming

The BoggsMobile is on the move. We will actually be moving around California for the next several weeks. I am excited to be back in this gorgeous state and see many friends here! Check our schedule by clicking here. Please pray for our safe travels and the BoggsMobile. 

Our first stop in California this visit is with Pastor Nate McCoy. We are looking forward to a good time at Arbuckle Christian. Pray for us that God sends revival to Arbuckle, California!

Traveling To Montana 

Last Saturday was a busy day for me. My alarm went off at 3:45 AM. I jumped into action getting all the final preparation done for my trip. Mamaw and Papaw picked me up at 5:00 and we headed to the Cincinnati airport. I had an 8:00 AM flight and the airport was already full at 6:00. It was crazy trying to get checked in and through security. 

Mamaw and Papaw, thanks for cutting your night’s sleep extremely short to take me to the airport! I love you so much! I appreciate all you do to help me. I miss you already. I failed to get a picture of Mamaw that morning, but here is a picture of me and Papaw. He was able to get a pass to go with me to my gate. 

Soon it was time to say goodbye to Papaw with one more hug. I boarded the plane and in a little while I was Denver, Colorado bound. The airplane was an Airbus 320. It was a pretty full flight. I was in a middle seat and I was unable to get any pictures on the way to Denver. 

I had a 6 hour layover in Denver. The time actually went by fast. I was able to enjoy the stop. While sitting there I enjoyed lunch, people watched, talked with family on the phone, had a snack and did some more people watching. 

I picked up a new keychain to add to my travel collection. 

Then it was time to board one more plane. This time we were Montana bound on an Airbus 319. This flight I had a window seat. I was able to get some pictures while we were flying. I also snuck in a small nap, because my energy was leaving quickly. 

Montana is beautiful and it is on my shortlist of favorite states. I love getting to see the sights from the air. Both of my flights were extremely bumpy, but we had great pilots in charge. Thank God I arrived safely in Missoula and met up again with my parents. 

I flew Frontier Airlines this time. I was able to get a good price on the ticket. The Frontier staff were all so kind and helpful. Nice people make things go smoothly and help the day to be better. It was an extremely long travel day, but I enjoyed the travel. 

Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. It is great to have you visit us here. Have a good weekend. 



  1. Odie keep-UP Your great ACTION !~! & May GOD be with You at all times, the

    Frankie Shiflett

    1. I sure will, Bro. Frankie. Thank you for keeping in touch.



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