
Monday, March 23, 2020

Let Us Have Revival Now!

Our weekend post was published earlier today. This is the second post of the day.

Thank you for joining us for revival at 8:00 PM Eastern Time tonight! I know that dozens and maybe hundreds are praying for us. Thank you! May God bless revival!

You can listen on Mixlr.

And Hopefully,

You can listen and watch on YouTube.

You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here

Boggs Family Ministries is on Mixlr


  1. Hello Bro. Davy, Sis. Kelly, and Odie...
    Just wanted to say what a blessing the revival was tonight!i watched one YouTube and sound was awesome! More than that though was the sweet presence of the Lord and the burden that I could tell was on your heart to minister to all who would listen! Miss you all! May God richly bless you!!

    1. Thank you very much for your kindness and thank you for joining us for revival the first night. Praise God for His help!

      Davy and KJo


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