
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pausing To Praise God

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from Ohio. I have been diligently trying to avoid the flu or any other sicknesses. The flu has been horrible in our area. A lot of people at my church were wiped out by the flu. I am praying and believing that no flu is allowed at the Beach Cottage!

I am enjoying my time at home with my family! Lately, I have been spending time with my Mamaw and Papaw. We have a fun time just being together. It is great to be with several other family members too.

Pausing To Praise God

Mamaw is making excellent progress in recovering from her fall. Monday, two weeks after the fall, she went back to see the surgeon. They changed her cast and we are hoping that will make the healing process much easier.

I praise God for keeping Mamaw! The fall was horrible, the bruises and a broken wrist are absolutely terrible. I am so grateful that her injuries were not much worse! We definitely have something to pause and praise God for today!

Thank you for helping us pray for Mamaw! I really appreciate some of you taking the time to text and check on her! I always let her know that people are checking on her and praying for her. Mamaw and Papaw both appreciate the prayers and encouragement!

Here are a few photos that I snapped last week. My Mamaw is always beautiful. She can smile through the pain. I am so glad to see her feeling better.

A cuddle from JoJo can make you feel better! Our sweet princess JoJo is wonderful entertainment. I will post more pictures of her another day.

Thank you for taking the time to read today. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Praying our God will keep you from any bugs that going around and bring your Mom and Dad safely Home..Uncle Larry


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