
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Well Traveled Bookcase

Revival continues. "I Do Not Want To Go Back To Normal"

In 1989 we moved into a little rent house on 2nd Street in Franklin, Ohio. We affectionately called our little house, "The Hole". It sat down in a little low place off the side of the street.

If you have ever heard me talk about our house flooding, this was it. That flood came in June of 1990 and ended our year long happy stay in The Hole.

When we moved in there, we needed a bookshelf. It needed to be a certain size and I could find nothing to fit. This was years before I had learned anything about woodwork and I commissioned Bro. Kim Meyers to build a bookcase for us.

Bro. Kim built our small bookcase in 1989 and we still have it. Saturday Kelly Jo cleaned it up and put it in my study in the barn. I will fill it with books forthwith. That bookcase has taken a long, long path to travel from Franklin, Ohio to Waynesville, Ohio all these years later.

When our house flooded, the bookcase went into storage until we moved it into a house about 30 days later in Chautaugua, Ohio. It stayed there for about two years and then into storage for a few months before a thousand mile move to Florida.

Then it came back to Ohio and traveled with us through three houses over 6 years before making another cross country move to Wichita, Kansas. It resided in the church office there in Wichita for nearly four years and then moved to Bro. Kurt McCrorey's house in Missouri in December 2002. 

It stayed with Bro. Kurt and all of my library until July 2016 when it came home to the barn. It got shoved into the corner and used as a storage shelf until Saturday, April 25, 2020.

It is now in its long home in my upstairs study. 33 years and a whole lot of miles and living conditions and the bookcase is still going strong. It lived in at least nine houses two church offices, three storage units and our old barn. I think Bro. Kim Meyers did a great job! Thank you, Bro. Kim!

Thank you for joining us for a few minutes today. We will see you tonight in revival at 8:00 PM Eastern.


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