
Monday, April 6, 2020

What's Up, Weekend? 4/6/2020

Our weekend report could be given in only a few sentences. We had a great revival service on Friday night. We had a great service on Saturday night. Sunday night capped off the weekend with a wonderful time conducting the Sunday Night Singalong. You can view archives HERE.

Yes, that could be the whole report and most of the highlights would be covered. But who would I tell about the fabulous meals that Kelly Jo prepared? Even though I only have one picture of tacos on Friday, the whole weekend was filled with meals fit for a king served from that pretty lady's hand.

Now I bring you amazing tacos!

Our "normal" life leaves very little time for KJo to cook. We are normally on the run and eating most of our meals with Pastors and church folks in cities and states all over. We love that! I rank churches by food first of all.

Our bus gives Kelly Jo very little room to cook. That has not changed. She is still cramped into a very small kitchen with almost zero counter space. But listen to me, friends, that woman can whip up dishes that make me want to declare restaurants off limits, well except for maybe Acapulco.

You can sum it all up to say, I have been eating high on the hog the last two weeks and this weekend topped it off nicely! The great meals KJo has been cooking have been made possible by a full bus freezer compliments of several churches. Right off the bat I know we have eaten meat that came from people in two different churches in Oklahoma and a church in Louisianna.

Even though I purposely included the word "Bat" in the last paragraph, rest assured that Bat was not part of any meal!😁

So, the meals have been good. Let me say right here, the isolation has been good. I can not think of anyone, anywhere in the world I would rather be "stuck" with for three weeks except for Kelly Jo. I am reading reports and hearing reports of people that are about to go crazy being cooped up with their spouses. Sorry about your luck, but we love being stuck! 

Maybe I used the word "we" loosely. I should say I love being stuck!

Now, of course, we would rather be in Tennesee by the end of this week, western Kentucky for the last two weeks of April, the next three weeks in Virginia and then slide into West Virginia. Yeah, we would rather be traveling and fulfilling our calling in various churches. But if being home with KJo 24 hours a day and having an hour of online revival each day is what quarantine is all about, then I have no sad stories to tell.

We have just finished day 17 together and day 18 looms on the horizon like a great big Rice Krispie Treat covered in chocolate. Does that sound like I am boasting that I have the best wife in the world? Good, 'cause I am AND I do!

Besides that, I listened to six different preachers Sunday, four live and two from years gone by. It is certainly not the same as gathering with my brothers and sisters to worship, hear the Word and fellowship, but it served as the best facsimile that I could find for a temporary fix.

That pretty much wraps up the weekend. I hope to remodel the "church" a little today and I am looking forward to having revival tonight. Come join us IF you can. You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here.

Thank you for reading today.


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