
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Rainy Day

It feels like we have turned a corner as we prepare to pull out and leave for revival once again. We are only going for one revival plus a single service, but the same preparation goes into it like we are going to stay gone for weeks. Kelly worked diligently for hours getting the bus ready to ride inside. She says she has a bunch more to do, but it looks great already.

I worked a bit on a rainy day project that I have had in my back pocket the whole time we have been home. The panel in the barn has needed some attention and I determined I would use a morning working on it when I could not work outside.

It rained all day and all my other rainy day projects were completed so yesterday was the day. I needed to add a circuit into the panel and several others needed to be straightened up or combined with other circuits. At some point, a previous owner or tenant used machines in this barn that needed separate breakers for each machine. In five years, I have learned how I need things configured and I have been making the necessary changes. The work in the panel was the finishing of that.

Once that was finished I went to my study to prepare for preaching last night and the rest of the week. I am a slow learner and it takes me more time than average to be prepared. One of my greatest fears is not being prepared.

Monday afternoon, my brother Steve supplied me with another rainy day project. He gave me some nice shelving units for my study. Since it is supposed to rain most of the week, I should have pictures of the finished project soon.

Last night we kicked off our ninth week of revival and I think it was a great service. I felt the touch of the Lord and I was greatly encouraged. I tried to preach on The Promise of Revival and I hope to stick close to that theme all week long.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with us today. May God bless you with a great day.



  1. BroDavy, Your biggest project yet is definitely to get some more asphalt in Your blood so You can concentrate better & GOD is always awaiting on YOU !~!, so are we...….



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