
Friday, May 1, 2020

Revival In Pictures Waynesville, OH 6.0

The Way Out of Weariness

This weekend we will be wrapping up our sixth week of online revival and we are still having a great time. We are praising God for helping and encouraging people all over the USA and in other countries. This week we received several emails and messages with descriptions and details of God's work among His people and we are amazed. Hallelujah!

We have been crying great big tears of joy upon reading and hearing the testimonies of what God has done. He knows exactly what we need and he knows exactly what we need to hear.

We gathered several pictures from the week in revival and this is the day to show you those. I think every week of revival has involved mowing grass and this is starting to feel ridiculous.😉 I have not mowed the grass this much since we were building the house in the spring and summer of 2017.

I think you already know we had some tacos and some salsa once or five times this week.

We got together (apart) with Pastor EJ Lamb and his family for some more socially distant fellowship. Of course, salsa was involved!

At a funeral last week, the funeral director, Brad Conner, had a neat holder for his iPad to record the services. I am using my iPhone to record and it turns out the company, iOgrapher has the same setup for phones. This thing makes recording a little easier and also gives me a place to mount lights and microphones.

KJo fixed Italian style tacos, a first for us. Delicious!

Alvin, Belinda and Hannah Uselton have been participating in revival in Texas.

Jimmie Radcliffe- Sapulpa, Oklahoma 

Kellie Nelson- Easley, South Carolina 

Jacqueline Coffman- Kettering, Ohio 
I don’t think Albany is going to want to go back to normal church. Lol

The Zerbels- Neosho, Missouri 
After Bro Davy’s encouraging message we see this. I literally opened our back door and took this picture! Praise the Lord! We needed this. 

Sis. Debbie Eaton- Evansville, Indiana 

Carter and Hudson Lamb- Wilmington, Ohio 

 Pastor Alan and Sis. Tammy Harris- Central City, Kentucky 

Bro. Norman and Sis. Ruth Ann Logsdon- Central City, Kentucky 

That's all folks! See you tonight at revival.



  1. BroDavy, those Italian style tacos looked fantastic, eat some slowly for me while You're at it, TXS!


    1. I surely will next time, my brother. They were soooo good!



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