The weekdays and weekends are all running together for me. Does anyone else feel the same way? I am usually able to divide the days because of the weekend. We are in church Monday night through Friday night on most weeks. We travel on most Saturdays and we go to church twice on Sunday.
The Saturday travel and different schedule on Sunday give my mind a framework for time. Since we are now not traveling on Saturday and not going to church on Sunday morning, the days are all running together. I am a day or two off nearly every day.😁
I listen to lots of preaching on Sunday and I did that yesterday. I try to take it into my ear and into my spirit all day long. I listen to preaching in three time zones and that amounts to preaching about all day. That helps me discern the days a little.
Yesterday was a great day. I listened to my Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland teaching Sunday School. Then throughout the day and evening, I heard our Associate Pastor, Bro. Gary Lee, Pastor E.J. Lamb, Pastor Andy Stringfellow, Pastor Alan Harris, Pastor Jared Burris. Yep, I got a good dose of preaching. I will listen to a few more tomorrow.
Saturday I spent most of the day in my barn study reading and seeking after the Lord. I was trying to be ready for revival over the weekend, but I also needed some direction for our future. We are less than three weeks from going out for revival. I needed to know that we were making plans to do the right thing.
Friday I spent a few minutes finishing the stair rail project in the barn and Saturday Odie had a picnic with cousin Lisa, complete with Skyline Chili and social distancing.

We had three great services of revival over the weekend including our Sunday Night Singalong.

Sunday night I invited my sister Theresa to sing a special song with us. My Dad had requested a song for Singalong that the Isaacs wrote and recorded. The second verse is about Odie and it is kind of weird for Odie to sing it. Theresa had helped us with it before and we were thrilled she came to help Sunday. Thank you, Sister!

Theresa sent these pictures that she took from the Green Room.
We had three great services of revival over the weekend including our Sunday Night Singalong.
Sunday night I invited my sister Theresa to sing a special song with us. My Dad had requested a song for Singalong that the Isaacs wrote and recorded. The second verse is about Odie and it is kind of weird for Odie to sing it. Theresa had helped us with it before and we were thrilled she came to help Sunday. Thank you, Sister!
Theresa sent these pictures that she took from the Green Room.
Here is the video from Sunday night.
We will continue revival all this week. Thank you for joining us today.
That was really a justified excuse about being "a day or two off nearly every day.��", now BroDavy I really liked that one & since here lately the days appears to be running together for me also !~! Tell KJo that her hair looked really nice laid back & out like it was at last night's Revival & of course You & Yours always look so wonderfully lovely to us . . .
Haha! Thank you, brother Frankie. Tell everyone there we said a big Hello!