We had a great weekend, but it started with a semi-stressful day. We had planned for a few weeks that Friday would be our day to work on our 2019 IRS forms for Boggs Family Ministries. The due date for 501c3 filing is May 15 but the date was extended by the IRS to July 15 because of the coronavirus.
Friday was the day to put our nose to the grindstone and get it done.
We applied to the IRS to be a 501c3 many years ago and it has been a great move for the business side of our ministry. However, even though Boggs Family Ministries enjoys some of the same tax exemptions as a church, we are required to file an IRS form each year even though churches do not have that same requirement.
The form starts as a 990n, but we moved into the territory of 990EZ a few years ago. I can assure you that the 990EZ form is an overachiever and it definitely NOT Easy! It is a bear!
The first time we filled it out, we stopped at a truck stop and KJo and I took two full days to gather the information, learn as much as we could about the forms and then get the forms completed.
The next time we did it, we were done in about 5-6 hours. Friday I gathered the information for about an hour and then KJo and I were mostly finished in less than 4 hours. Our eyes were tired, our brains were hurting, but we were done! Hallelujah! I went to bed early afterward!
I think the tacos helped!
I think the tacos helped!
I am so thankful that Kelly Jo is willing to wade into the mess of the IRS and help me. My original hard drive is full and moves slow. I tried swallowing a memory card or two, but it did not help.
Saturday morning we cranked the BoggsMobile and finished the drive to Trinity Assembly in Lucas, Texas without major incident. It was only 140 miles and it took us about two hours and forty minutes.
We have never preached revival for Pastor Tom Goodwin and his congregation, but we did preach a Sunday morning for them in 2016 at their old location. We are looking forward to five great services.
They have relocated since we were here in 2016 and built a beautiful building. They pretty much finished just in time to shut down due to the recent pandemic.
Saturday morning we cranked the BoggsMobile and finished the drive to Trinity Assembly in Lucas, Texas without major incident. It was only 140 miles and it took us about two hours and forty minutes.
We have never preached revival for Pastor Tom Goodwin and his congregation, but we did preach a Sunday morning for them in 2016 at their old location. We are looking forward to five great services.
They have relocated since we were here in 2016 and built a beautiful building. They pretty much finished just in time to shut down due to the recent pandemic.
After we set up the bus, we had lunch and loaded in the sound equipment and did a quick soundcheck.
While finishing soundcheck, we set the camera up for a few minutes on YouTube.
Then we followed Pastor Goodwin and his wife to Abuelo's for a great supper and fellowship.
After supper, we went back to the church and hooked our system into the church sound system with the help of Bro. Goodwin. We also toured their new church. It is beautiful.
We enjoyed both services on Sunday. Praise God for His blessing and help for His people. Hallelujah!
It is super duper great to see Bro. Bob Goodwin and Sis. Claire. We love these two people so very much and we have missed them terribly.

We also enjoyed two great meals on Sunday.

That just about wraps up our weekend. We did add a song video to our YouTube channel Sunday too. I hope you enjoy. Please share it with others.
Thank you for stopping in for a Mile Marker today.
While finishing soundcheck, we set the camera up for a few minutes on YouTube.
Then we followed Pastor Goodwin and his wife to Abuelo's for a great supper and fellowship.
We enjoyed both services on Sunday. Praise God for His blessing and help for His people. Hallelujah!
It is super duper great to see Bro. Bob Goodwin and Sis. Claire. We love these two people so very much and we have missed them terribly.
We also enjoyed two great meals on Sunday.
That just about wraps up our weekend. We did add a song video to our YouTube channel Sunday too. I hope you enjoy. Please share it with others.
Thank you for stopping in for a Mile Marker today.