
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Garage Door Peace of Mind

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in today? I am excited to be visiting with you again. How are you doing? I hope you are well. We are on our way to Fouke, Arkansas this morning.

Do you have a mental checklist that you go through before leaving your home? I try to remember to turn off lights, fix the thermostat, set the alarm, lock up and a few more things. 

Did I do everything right? That is a question that I ask myself later. Thankfully I have cameras and apps that help me double check myself. 

There is also another question that haunts me. Did I close the garage door? Most of the time the answer is yes, but a little peace of mind is comforting to me.

Last year sweet neighbor called to ask if I knew my garage door was open. I did not know. She was kind enough to walk over and close it for me. Dad checked the cameras and found the garage door was opened Sunday afternoon and had been open all night. Thankfully, nothing was stolen and no one entered.

That was a little wild and scary.

Fortunately, my Uncle Steve found a cool gadget after that to prevent that from happening again! I am glad that he sent the link to me. It is called the MyQ Smart Garage hub. My parents were sweet and bought me one for Christmas last year.

I am thrilled with the MyQ. I can open and close my garage with my phone from anywhere! It also alerts me anytime the door is opened and closed orif the door remains open for an extended period. I think it is really cool!

Mine was purchased from Amazon here. I saw on Google that it is available at other places like Walmart and Best Buy.

At Christmas, my Uncle Steve helped me get it setup. We had to pair it to my Garage door and connect it to my wifi. I already had the app downloaded and set up on my phone. After we were connected, I had to complete a few steps on my phone. Then it was ready to go. It was an easy process.

This is what the app looks like on my phone right now.

This is another gadget that makes life a little easier for me. I like to share things that I like with my friends. I definitely give the MyQ Smart Garage Hub a five-star review. Have you used this gadget or one like it? 

Let me know if you give it a try! It definitely makes a great gift idea. (I have no relationship with MyQ except as a happy customer.)

I want to say thanks, Uncle Steve, for finding the MyQ. I appreciate you helping me get it setup. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for one of my favorite gifts! I use it a lot and love it.

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a fabulous weekend. I look forward to seeing you next time.


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