
Monday, November 9, 2020

What's Up Weekend? 11/9/2020

Surprise, surprise, surprise! ATT seems to have discovered Paden, Oklahoma and we are glad to have it so! Our phone signal is not perfect, but it is here. It is even strong enough to work inside the BoggsMobile most of the time. We will take that and be very thankful for it.

Well, another great weekend is in the books! This is only our second visit to Burnett Mission Holiness Church, but we have known many, if not most, of these people for many, many years. We are thrilled to be with them and we are enjoying the revival services so far.

The Pastor and others have told me that a revival spirit has been here for weeks. They have been having super services and have had several saved and others seeking more of God. That is a tremendous report to hear and I pray that these revival services continue in the same vein.

Bro. Kevin Collins helped us get the sound hooked up and Saturday evening KJo and I spent some time in the church playing music and singing. We recorded a few minutes of it.

The Pastor at Burnett Mission is Bro. Terry Garner. He and his wife, Sis. Christa are wonderful people and they are doing a great job here in Paden. We are thankful for the invitation to join with them for a week of revival. We have already shared meals and enjoyed wonderful revival services.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Sis. Garner prepared Mexican food for lunch Sunday and it was super tremendous!

The sums up a wonderful weekend. Thank you for joining us on Mile Markers today.


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